Boy problem (1)

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Dear BAM, It's me once more and we talked we texted...this is what happened 

Me: Hi Matt :)

Him : Hey Jess :)

Me: How are you ? :o

Him: Good wbu :)

Me: Im Great.

(No Answer No answer)

Me: Hows everything going

HIm: Great!

Him: Im sorry I didnt reply fast I was working out and had to jump in the shower 

(Excuse him hes always been a show off too me)

Me: Its okay:) 

Me: Really

(The really was an accident)

Me: Oh SHIT Im sorry that was an accident o_e

Him: LOL

Him: Its all Good 

Me: :o Hows work? Did ya get..... premoted c;

Him: Its all

Me: Good?

Him: Yeah 

Him: and No

Me: Why no?

HIm: Idk

Me: Tell me ?

Him: No

Him: LOL

Me: Why not?

him; Idk

me: Really matthew why not?

Him: Idkkkkkkkkkkk

him: LOL

me: Im sorry am I annoying you right now

Him: Nawhh :)

Me: Well I got a Job  btw

Him: For?

Me: DOnt laugh

Him: Ill totally try not too 

Me: W.e

Me: ~Mumbles foot locker



Him: no

Him: LOL

Me: Really? ;~;

Him: No Im sorry :c

Me: Better c:

Him: LOL w.e

Me: Any way It smells like feet all the time Matthew

Him: LOL!

Me: Oh yeahhhh, Can I call you by your nickname again :)

(His name was Mattykins but he used to hate it so I expected him to say no)

Him: Yeah :)

Me: Yaaaaay Well Its 1:30 am Ima go to be you should feel special I stayed up

Him: Why you going to bed :c

(He fell asleep) 

LMAO Anyway Bam what do you think I mean... Eh Eh I don't what cha think? c: Was that a good convo or what 



Dear Jess, 

uhm... I think it was a decent normal conversation .-. Just like two friends talking and stuff .-. 


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