Life Problem 18

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Dear BAM, I would categorize my problem under: Life Problems.So, I'm a dancer, and I do theater. Anyway, a lot of people call me gay for what I do. Dancing and singing isn't exactly what people at my school call "masculine". So, listen, I don't know if I'm Gay, Bi, straight, etc. and I don't need to know right now you know. what I do know is I like this girl. I don't want her to think I AM gay and that I don't like her. I have a really extravagant personality, and I'm ALWAYS dancing, or humming a tune. That's just me and I don't want to to change myself for anyone.What should I do? -JustDancingThroughLife


Dear JustDancingThroughLife, 

 You don't have to change yourself for anyone. Honestly, I just want you to stay exactly the way you are. What you need to do is tell people that you aren't "gay" because you are like John Travolta and he isn't gay is he? cx If you want to show her you like her then get to know her, take her out, show her the real sides of you and honestly you can give her the "I am not gay" speech just to make sure that she doesn't think that your anything but interested in her. Express that your personality is different and it's happy and you want to stay the way you are and if she doesn't get that or if she doesn't like that then she isn't worth the time or effort that you put on her. But that's just me being honest. Keep dancing and singing, don't think about what others will think of you too much okay? 

Thank you for writing in! I hope you have a extravagant day :) <- See what I did there XD


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