girl problem (5)

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Dear BAM, about last week, my crush gave me a hug and i was like blushing and smiling so much after and he saw and he knew i was soo shy. I told my sister and she was all like "awwww" and blah blah blah. He's two years older than me, and he knows i like him. He won't go out with me because im sorta too young for him he says lol but anyways, he sorta a player so today he was talking to my sister and she said "I see your trying to play my sister with your player ways, hugging her and stuff." (Something like that lol) and he laughed and said "i was jus Trynna be nice" im 14 (15 in a month), he's 16 (turning 17 in a couple of days) and my sister is 16 also. Now im soooooooo embarrassed because he obviously knows i was talking to my sister about it! If he brings it up, what should I say? -jossie


Dear jossie, 

Well to be honest i wouldn't know what to I don't really know what you would say.. probably just tell him the truth if anything. All I know is just don't feel embarrassed by it because more than likely he might not even bring it up. He probably already knows that you tell your sister stuff and stuff because you are girls and since he knows that you like him and everything I don't think it's a big deal. Just take into consideration that he's just being nice as he says. 


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