Relationship Problem (2)

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Dear BAM, 

I have this guy.. We used to date before but I cheated. I did everything to make him trust me again. It took a while. We started dating again. But one day, I kinda complained that he replies so slow. He got angry and he flipped at me, we broke up. I didn't mean to complain but -sighsp I fixed it also. But I kinda joked about my profile picture but I was just hyper and joking but he got really angry and he called me a liar and things. He even brought up the bast and doubted me again.. Is it just that I'm such a screw up..? 



Dear Anon, 

To answer your question, No you aren't a screw up. Look, I'm going to give you advice like I would if anyone were in your situation. Yes cheating is wrong. I don't think anyone should have to cheat on their partners but it happens. Now I'm going to tell you why your boyfriend is probably like that. He's scarred. once you cheat on someone they are afraid to trust you again and no matter how much they say that they do trust you again there will always be doubt. Does it get better? Yes it does but it's never going to really be the same. It seems to me that you aren't happy with this guy. I think you want it to work out but sometimes it just doesn't and that's neither of your fault. If he flips out over small things then there is a lot to really work on, communicate. Tell him that him doing that isn't helping your relationship grow. I doubt that it's nothing that he's flipping over either. There's always a reason to why a person acts a certain way. You may have cheated and he may be acting that way but no, you made a bad choice, doesn't necessarily mean you are a screw up. And if you think you are then that's the only thing your screwing up. You want this relationship to get better then figure out whats going on in his head. Give him the necessities he needs from you and not the other way around. You have to prove a lot to him and it's not easy but if you wanna make it work you have to. And if you can't take it or handle it anymore then just walk away. You'd be saving you and the other person a lot of hurt in the long run if you or them aren't happy. I'm not sure how your going to take what I said but just know I say everything with good intentions. Just think about it okay? And always remember, relationships take work and people aren't perfect, you got to take your wrongs and make them right. Screw ups happen but shouldn't control of everything. 


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