Love problem (10)

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Hi! So happy you have done this advice column. It's good to here that others have similar problems to me... Um... My problem is that, all these kids keep asking me out. Like, I feel flattered because some are really nice, but they are all like 5 years younger than me. And that makes them like, 10, 9,11. I feel it is easier to joke around and talk to kids than it is people my age. And I don't want a relationship with them. I feel like the world is saying that those little (btw, the ones who ask me out are all a bit special...) kids are the onley ones who would want to ask me out, like evryone else is out of my leauge! also, If I like a guy, I get so awkward, and if he askes me out, I get so scared, I say no. I have crushes on people, but am too scared to take it further. I don't want to be a crazy cat lady when I'm old! Sorry this is so long, and thankyou for listening. Lots of love, Gertie


Dear Gertie, 

Okay these are just crushes obviously so don't feel bad when it comes to them asking them out. Just politely say no and then direct their attention to someone that you think that they would be good for so the focus is out of your hands, you know? And with guys well it's okay to be scared but when you catch your self getting asked out and you start to feel fear pile up on you, say yes instead of no. Just know that no guy is out of your league. All guys are different and like different things in people. So you can't just say "oh he wouldn't like me" without putting yourself out there. Try saying yes next time ad also try just talking to your crushes, nothing more and nothing less. You wont become a crazy cat lady :P you got time :P lol 


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