love problem (5)

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      Hey, so there's this guy at my school and I have a crush on him, he knows it, but recently, I told him it was just a small crush and I didn't like him anymore. Anyways, I still like him and I don't know if he likes me back, he has a girlfriend, but he always looks at me, even stares sometimes, he does random acts of kindness, but sometimes, he is so mean to me and it really gets on my last nerve, so I don't know if he does or doesn't (not important, but he has only dated his gf for 3 weeks)                   -The_shy_girl


Dear The_shy_girl, 

Guys are really confusing.. To be honest with this.. I'm not really sure if he likes you or not but seeing that he has a girlfriend and is still with her.. he probably doesn't and if he does then his feelings aren't all there? And if he does also he can't really make a move on you because then what kind of guy would he be.. I think that if he did make a move on you then you would be getting into a relationship with exactly what you see and if he likes some other girl you never know if he'll make another move on that girl, if that makes sense. All I know is that if he's mean to you and it's getting on your nerves then maybe it's time to distance yourself more from him so then he won't be as mean and if he still continues on it then tell him that he needs to stop because you are tired of it. 


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