life problem (1)

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Dear BAM,

( I'm a girl ) So there is this new girl in one of my classes that sits on the other side of the room. She's really shy and I don't see her talk to a lot of people ( so I guess she doesn't have much friends ). She interests me and I want to know her and befriend her. Though I don't know how to approach her I compliment her sometimes but that's really it. I happen to be a little shy too.

Sincerely, Shy girl 


Dear shy girl, 

Well it seems to me that you could possibly ask her if she wanted to work on some school work at times or ask her if she wanted to hang out after school or even possibly try to get her to sit with you at lunch if you guys have it together? There are different ways to befriend her really. Complimenting her at times is a good start though. Maybe when you did this you could try to pick up a conversation about something that you did compliment her on and stuff like that and see where that takes you  c:


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