Love problem (3)

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Dear BAM,

Okay i have two things. 

1) So there's this guy that I like, and we've known each other for almost 5 years. Everyone keeps saying  that he likes me, and that he still does. But he knows that his best friend likes me. But I dont like his friend. Everyone keeps telling me to tell him I like him, but I'm scared that he actually doesn't. He also went out with a girl for about a month, and I think he might still like her. I don't know if he notices, but he does things regular guy friends don't do. Like yesterday and today. Yesterday was Friday and I usually give out hugs. Well when I gave him a hug he held onto me a lot longer then normal people. And today we had a science thing at school to go to. My project was set up next to his. He always made some type of joke, and would always start singing out of nowhere (which I do a lot). So we joined each others songs. We even had a finger fight. 

2) There's this guy in my class and last year all of his guy friends said that he likes me, but I brush it off because I know he hates my guts. But they keep going about this year too. I thought it would all go away sooner or later, and thought that they were messing with him. But it didn't to this day they're still going on saying it. So I'm not sure if he actually likes me. We dont really hang out with each other too. Just the occasional conversation cause we have the same teachers. So nothing really special happened to us. 



Dear SoConfused,

Okay darling, there is only one way to find out about if these guys like you or not and that's if you ask them. With the first guy, you guys are friends so it should be easier. Well first ask him if he still likes that one girl that he dated and if not then ask him if he likes anyone now. And if he says yes then you can go on to asking more questions like do I know her? and all those questions to see if it matches up with you but by the time all those questions are asked you should eventually ask if that girl is you. Now with this other guy in class you could ask him or you could just let it be and not bother with it, you know? There's no need to establish anything if you just don't like him and all that. 


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