Love problem (20)

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Dear BAM,

For one, you are amazing for coming up with the idea to help others through here. I actually just stumbled upon your columns, and am so thankful I did.


There was this guy I was seeing last year. We were never really official and we were kind of always on/off but I always thought everything was so great. Anyway;

He ignored me. I thought I moved on. Saw each other at a mutual friend's party and decided to kick it up again. Then I ended it.

It wasn't the same. I thought he wasn't putting in the effort. I was tired of being strung along. I was tired of waiting on him. Waiting for him.

Not two months passed and he was seeing another girl. He still is with that girl. And I am honestly happy for the both of them. Sad and hurt, of course, but still longing.

I don't know. I see them at least once every week or so because of the mutual friends we have.

My problem lies in how I still long for what we had. That I shouldn't be wanting this. And it doesn't help that whenever we are with friends, I see in my periphery him leaning forward and looking at me - or my way. It's happened a few times pointedly now.

I just have to keep moving on. He's not mine. I can't have him. I have to stop thinking about him. It's just so hard when he's so clearly moved on faster than I did. As if what we had was never enough, you know?

Sorry for the long post!

- eatingatmythoughts


Dear eatingatmythoughts,

Awe well thank you c:

Oh I totally understand this Hun. Longing for once was but wishing it was more and your thirst is never really satisfied. But it happens. People aren't always going to be the right person for you and sometimes you do get stuck watching them being happy with someone else. All you have to do is focus on your happiness though. I'm sure one of these days a guy will come a long and give you as much as you would like him to and if not as much then more. You shouldn't torture yourself with these thoughts either of how he moved on so quickly because believe me, it leads to more unwanted thoughts so for the fact that you guys see each other because of mutual friends just try to avert your eyes somewhere else or better yet accept the fact that he moved on, it wasn't enough, and better is coming along. You yourself has to accept everything in order to be fully capable to move on and stop longing.


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