Love problem (24)

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Dear BAM, I've been having love problems with boys... I'm these this boy that flirts a lot with me but he has a girlfriend, so I don't flirt back, knowing that it would just start trouble. But one day a friend of the boys girlfriend had seen what he was doing and told her. When she asked him, he lied to her saying that I was the one flirting with him and that I started it all. Now she's been spreading rumors that I a whore/slut and tons of other mean things. I've tried talking to her, but she doesn't want to listen to me and says that her boyfriend is loyal, but there had been events before were he hasn't, but she still doesn't believe me. What should I do? -PepperCloud9


Dear peppercloud9,

It's hard to get a girlfriend to believe someone that isn't the one she's dating. She's dating him so she automatically trusts/takes his side. If I were you and I've already tried to tell her what was actually going on then I'd lat her be because at the end she'll only find out the hard way that the guy she's with isn't as loyal as she thinks he was. As for the rumors, just brush them off. You already know the truth and they can only get to you if you actually were flirting back with him.


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