Relationship problem (4)

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Hey BAMbooks I hope you are good & well sorry to bother but it's me again...anyways I told the other guy to leave me alone but I got back with my ex about 4 weeks ago & well things didn't change much,.. He is still ignores me and sometimes doesn't answer me back & well before he got back together he was being sweet and saying that he missed reason for us getting back together I really did tried to let him go for good but failed...but he is hurting me again cause I feel like I'm the only one trying in this relationship & well I tried talking him and meeting up since he doesn't go to my school but he always ignores the messages or cancels or doesn't show up like today & it left me hurt yet determined to breaking up with him for good...but I don't know if I'm making right decision everyone is telling it is but my heart doesn't want to and I don't know what to do...I cry for him hurting me but I also cry for thinking of him not being with me...what should I do BAMbooks.?? I can't think clearly my heart and mind is so different when it comes to him ... Hope u can answer soon

Sincerely Cari .-.


Dear Cari,

I am good and well my dear, how are you? :) and your no bother :)

Ah, well yes the heart does want what the heart wants but sometimes the heart needs a little wake up call. You see, break ups are hard but also staying with someone who doesn't put in as much effort into the relationship as you do is harder. I'll tell you why. Your going to experience self doubt, self damage, and non self respect. Your going to doubt that your good enough, start thinking that maybe this is all you'll ever get from someone, and start to disrespect yourself by always having to try and meet their needs when you have your own. So yes, getting out of a relationship like that is the best thing. Unless he shows he is worthy of your time and love, don't give it to him. It's that simple. Be stronger than what your heart wants because darling, your heart will heal and want again and again the next person or the next. You just have to be a little smarter than your heart.


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