Boy Problem (10)

48 1 2

Dear BAM,

Thank you for your advice! I was going to use it but the boy moved away this summer. Sad Face! Anyway, there is this other boy (my life is crazy!) who I would say I'm friends with. Recently, I developed feelings for him. I want to tell him, because my best friend thinks that he likes me back, but I'm scared that he'll avoid me. What do I do!

Sorry for asking another boy question!



Dear Cinder_12,

Honestly, if you think it's a good risk to take then you should take it. The thing about life is it's full of unpredictable occurrences. If you feel in the moment it's right to tell that person how you feel then do it! You don't want to go through life with regret and you don't want to keep out of the ball game because you'll miss your homerun. But, again, if you don't feel that in the moment it's right and something is stopping you from running the bases then stop and think to wonder what is that barrier that's setting between you and that person. In all honestly I start with the question "Do you like anyone" and then keep on the conversation from there.

Love BAM

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