Relationship problem (6)

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I need someone's advice on a problem I have. Well two. The first is that I used to be friends with someone but she left me for someone that I didn't get on with. But now 2 years later, she is starting to wanting to be my friend again. And I don't like it. Because she is spending more time with me than the other girl. And even though I have complicated problems with the other girl, I don't want to see her out of a friend. Any ideas?

2) I am in love with a boy in my class at school and I have a boyfriend but I just feel really amazing when I am near this boy. Also my boyfriend likes someone else, like me. But we are so close friends that by breaking up we couldn't do it because it would ruin our friendship. And I don't know what to do.



Dear Dany,

1) You can still be friends with your friend without being friends with the other girl. You choose your friends and they choose theirs. So basically just be civil with this other girl but since you don't like her you don't have to befriend her.

2) if you both like someone else then you both shouldn't be together. Come to a mutual agreement that you guys will go your separate ways without all the tension and still be the close that you are. Just because they are your close friends doesn't mean you'll end up with them romantically in the long run. It happens. And by coming to terms on a mutual decision it shouldn't get in the way of your friendship, unless you guys let it.


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