Life Problem 16

118 3 3

Dear BAM, I'm going into middle school, and overall I am terrified. Any advice? help, plz-help


Dear Help, 

I remember that time when I was scared but a little bit excited to go into middle school. Honestly there are a few things you need to know when you are there. Just like any first time going into school you have to know its going to feel uneasy and unfamiliar but as time progresses you'll feel more comfortable with your surroundings. I think you'll end up finding others to be just as terrified as you are. If you have friends coming in with you, it wont be as terrifying. Most importantly you'll end up discovering a little more of yourself at this time and who your real friends are going to be once the end of middle school ends. There will be a lot of drama as time passes which I know you might not want to hear but it will happen. Don't get sucked into peer pressure. Nothing good comes out of it. You know at this time you might want to be involved with the opposite gender and find your sexuality and so on as your years start to refrain but please know that these times are not about who can find the next hook up but who can be ready for the next step into life which will be high school which will be way harder than your middle school days. I say, have fun, make friends, and grow. You might even like middle school. I know middle school is where I found my passion to do what I love and it was also a time where I went through some drama and all that fun stuff what school brings. But like I said, you grow and you heal and you learn which isn't something to be terrified about. Just get involved in activities and people you love, you'll be fine. 


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