Life problem (11)

752 3 2

Dear BAM,  It's me again. I have a fear of coins; always have been, and at the rate I'm going at, always will be. I haven't been clinically diagnosed, but I'm pretty sure it's cuprolaminophobia. My parents know I'm afraid of coins, and so far all my mom has said is "try to get over it". Sometimes my dad says things that make me feel sad and so I would leave the room to go cry.  I have friends that understand me, but how can I get my parents to understand that this is a REAL thing? (By the way, I'm not good with confrontation, or leaving any letters). I've tried hinting to my mom before by showing her websites where other people like me talk about their fear. She never really pays attention though.  Lastly, I know I need a therapist, and trust me, I want to get help. But I'm also scared to ask for help and that if I do, the therapist would come at me with a penny or something. It's not that bad, but today at school I had to tell my other friend about it and she started asking questions and I almost ended up crying in class (not to sound dramatic.)  What would you do if you were me?  - scaredtoaskforhelp


Dear scaredtoaskforhelp, 

If I were you? Well I'd tell your parents to get you a debit card so you never have to touch a single coin ever again xD But that's just me. I mean do you want to come face to face with you fears? Because getting a debit card would be easier for you in so many ways you know? Get you out of things but if you want to come face to face with your fears then maybe try doing it on your own. Set some coins in front of you and start off by touching them with gloves and then when you get used to it, start touching it just with your hands. I'm not sure why you would be scared of coins.. probably because I'm not a therapist .. well not yet anyway 0-0 But I'd say that maybe it's a deeper root into it.. because fears don't just start out of no where you know? Something must have happened to make you scared of coins. 


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