Girl problem (5)

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Dear bam, so I had this best friend. We had been best friends since preschool. This year we have really drifted apart. We text every once in a while but never talk to each other at school. So one day she came over to my house and she spent the night. We decided to catch up and of course I told her who I like. While today at school some boy told me that he knew who I liked. And he also said that my bestfriend told him. I was really mad so I went up to her and asked what her fucking deal was and she kept denying that she told anyone. But tthere's really no other way he could've found out. So she has always had a problem shutting her mouth but I really thought I could trust her. :/ now she is mad at me saying I was being a bitch but she did tell someone who my crush was. I don't want to talk to her and I feel like my life had less drama in it when she wasn't around. What should I do?



Dear Brooke,

Well if I were you, and I felt that way, then I'd go ahead and not talk to her and keep going on with your life. It's kinda like the saying "being friends for a long time doesn't make you a best friend, just means it's been a long time" If you want less drama, that's the only way to go. Of course if you still want her as your best friend, you could try and keep your guys friendship by getting her to admit and apologize and in return apologize for handling it the wrong way and stating why you acted the way you did. I hope this helped you some.


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