life problem (4)

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Dear BAM,

technically i have a life problem, because this is taking place at school. theres a guy (ill change his name to ben). hes in all of my classes and began flirting with me everyday about 3 months ago. now i was rejecting him all the time because it was funny to see him try, but then when my boyfriend and i started going out i flat out ignored him because it felt wrong to talk to him because hes a total player and i was happy with someone else. he doesnt seem to like my relationship though. he pushed my boyfriends elbow in the hallway once when we were holding hands and almost made him fall. i mean thats not the problem tho. the real problem is that yesterday while i was passing out papers in class he slapped my legs right underneath my butt. i slapped him on his neck and pushed him but im absolutely positive thats sexual harassment. i know my parents will literally kill him themselves if the found out and im not so mean i just want him to leave me alone, which im pretty sure he wont stop even if he gets in trouble. What do i do??



Dear jess, 

Well it seems to me that you should go to the teacher in whatever class you have him in that happened in that he did that and if your not comfortable with that then you don't have to. But if he does it another time then you should go to your parents about to it. But I'm sure that's the last thing that you want. Which if that's the case then I'd wait to tell any adults and tell the boy himself to lay off. He shouldn't be doing that to you and the next time that he does he will regret it. Of course there is always a councilor to talk to to change your classes if need be. 


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