Boy problem (2)

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Dear BAM, 

   I really liked this guy last year and I asked him out like 10 times. I was completely obsessed with him. I tried to get over him and I told all my friends that I did, but I only fooled them, I was definitely still in love with him. This year I told him that I wasn't in love with him and he finally texted me. When I told him that I asked another guy out, I complained and he never texted me back. I really like him and I wanna go out with him, but I don't think he likes me, please help!




Well if he replied with a no each time you asked them then honey he doesn't like you back.. And the only reason he probably texted you is because he probably thought hey why not, let me go text this girl since shes not so obsessive anymore and stuff. Well, the way to it was you should have played hard to get instead of making yourself so easy to get rejected over and over again with each time that you did. I'll tell you something to learn out of this, and please hear me out, sometimes in life there are just guys that don't fit right with you. There will be guys that you obsess over but won't be the one for you to date. There are guys you will do anything for but at the end of the day they just don't care about you. There will many guys in your life and one will eventually come and he'll want you just as you much as you want him but for now, this guy, this guy isn't the guy you should be wanting to date. Because if a guy can't even give you his time then why invest so much energy chasing him? In fact you should let the guy chase you. You put out the bate and he attaches to the hook and then you reel him in. Hope this advice helps you sweetie c: 


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