Boy/friend problem (1)

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So my friend Rose was trying to set me up with this kid a year older than me, and I'm fine with that, I was kind of excited actually. And I'm really shy, and hes in my math class, cute, and a wrestler (my favorite sport) so I would love to go out with him. My friend told him I though he was cute which didn't bother me, I mean he'd find out soon enough. Rose tried to convince him to hang out with me (since they talk a lot) and he said he didn't want to because he didn't know me, and he didn't want to get to know me, which as you can imagine, upsets me. My friend Marie knew about it and asked me how it was going so when I told her it wasn't gonna work she said "Oh I'm sorry, hes a jerk, I told you so, I told you he wouldn't be interested in you." And I'm really hurt by that because she keeps bringing it up and saying things like "no offense but you've seen the girls hes dated and hangs out with, he wouldn't choose you." She always does that, and shes 'popular' and I'm not so whenever she's around her other friends I don't exist to her, she just kinda walks all over me..... So how do I deal with him and what do I about Marie?



Dear DrakeandJosh,

Well the best thing to do is get over this guy. He obviously isn't someone who respects you if he doesn't even try to get to know you and even if did come around and try, you shouldn't feel the need to get to know him more. There are better guys out there who are willing to get to know you no matter who've they have dated in the past. And with your friend, you should tell her to stop putting you down. If she doesn't, tell her she might as well not be your friend at all.


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