Life problem 17

85 2 1

Dear Bam,

I have a wonderful life. And i really am grateful. My mom loves me so much. My dad is 2 states away and he still talks to me all the time. I go to a nationally ranked school, i live in a beautiful expensive apartment. My friends are the best people in the world. But when I'm alone I just feel so numb. When I'm out with my friends I'm okay, but I come back home and... idk. I don't think I'm depressed. I'm just not happy, but I'm not sad either. I honestly just want to feel something again. Anything you got helps. Thx



Dear Jo,

hmm well do you know what makes you happy? because the numbness could mean a lot of things. It could mean you don't feel accomplished in your life. Their Is an off balance you need to get back right. It's easier said then done I know but if your not happy when your alone then you should try to preoccupy your time with things that make you happy like reading a book or knitting or anything really. It's just a matter of filling the void with productivity. Do things that advances you in your life. And see how that works out. If it fails then it fails but its always good to give things a try right?


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