BAMspeaks 6

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to stop by for a minute on this amazing advice column that I own and ask how you guys were doing ! I haven't been MIA completely. I still go on wattpad and I still answer everyone that writes in whether it gets on the advice columns or not. I honestly wanted to give some advice with a couple things that life has to offer only because I have been living for the past year learning and growing ready to share the wisdom that I gained. 

Life really is all about the lessons that you learn and applying it continuously into your life as well as giving other people the knowledge that you own so that they can greater their life. I appreciate all of you for taking the time out of your day to read the stories people come out to me with and the advice that i present to them in that particular situation. I also am grateful for the people that read my stories and poems because those are my little treasures. 

Recently I am working on trying to publish a poetry book and hopefully by next year you will be seeing it in book stores near you. I am also trying to finish up Snow Princess so I could go ahead and try to publish that as well. I'm working on all aspects of my life with my writing, schooling, work, modeling/photography, and balancing out my quality time with people. It has been a lot of work but I am getting it down and growing. I really do hope when my books do come out I will have your continued support as well as your love for my work. All I really want to do is inspire and motivate others in the long haul. 

Now onto what I really wanted to talk to you all today. Recently an issue has been brought up to my attention when it comes to growing up and life in general. The choices you do make for yourself influence the balance and your future. Now, I'm not disregarding all the stress and anxiety that can come out and play while trying to achieve your goals but there is a certain ground point you have to reach a balance with. When growing up there will be a lot of responsibilities you will face. Some of the responsibilities are listed below:

Paying your bills (including your phone, car, insurances, etc)

Helping around the house (cleaning, cooking, maintaining)

Working and trying to get better jobs each time

Each of those things aren't easy and they weren't meant to be easy. When someone asks you where do you see yourself being in 10 years? They really are trying to make you think because you should have goals for the next ten years ahead of you. They aren't trying to make you stress 10 years down the line but they are trying to make you think what it is that you potentially want to do for the next 10 years and make you motivated enough to reach those limits. I believe everyone should have a goal each year to reach and if it doesn't work then try something else. It's not wasting time but finding yourself and your happiness and those aren't a waste of time, it should never be. I feel like people should listen to other more on what they have to say to get to a level of success in their life. I really am not just talking about work and dreams but the balance of the rest of your life. Lets say for example you live in a house with your parents, you have everything that you could ask for at lets say 20, you don't have to pay any bills besides your phone and your parents only ask of you to go to school to be able to continue to stay in their house. But, your parents now want you to pay and help around the house. What would be the mature thing to do? You would have to take more responsibility and roll with it. Believe it or not there are people that wouldn't want to pay for rent, go to school, work, and still try to pursue a career because of the off balance but you can make it work. It's not an easy route but growing up your parents should have already guided you towards "life is never easy" struggling will be the result of life but you know what greatness comes out of struggle. All the advice that I can possibly give you falls down on this: Hard work, dedication, motivation, and struggle will always be the key to a success and balanced life. We all are looking to be happy but it takes work. Don't think happiness will knock on your door, no you have to knock on its door.

Honestly I love you guys and again am appreciative of you. If you need someone to talk to message me on kik: Brittalexxoxo

Check out my website:

And always remember I am here for you <3


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