Other (1)

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Dear BAM,

I recently came out as poly (sorta like bisexual) to my friend, and I think she told someone I don't like. Because I got a message the other day saying they're going to tell everyone at school and I am terrified. I get bullied enough already, and my school is really homophobic. The friend I usually go to doesn't want to talk to me because of HER friends and I don't know what to do. I am afraid to tell my mum about the texts because she doesn't really accept me herself, and she will flip that I told someone. what can I do?

-A Scared Polysexual.


Dear a Scared Polysexual,

I believe that you have to be accepting of yourself when coming across this type of situation. It is terrifying to come out to everyone around you but the more you are yourself the more you have the courage to stand up for yourself. If they threaten other people and tell them you have look at yourself and be like "so what" Your not friends with the world only the ones who accept you for who you are fully. You aren't doing anything to anyone but being who you are. If they want to judge you, you can't stop them. The friend who doesn't even want to talk to you because of her own friends isn't really your friend if she does that. You have to pick your fights and who you keep in your life hun. There's no use in walking this life trying to please anyone but yourself. Show that you don't care and that you are able to go throughout your days unaffected.


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