family problem (2)

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Dear BAM

I really want advice. So my mom and dad are divorcing for reasons that started before I was born and my dad keeps lying. He lied to me, he is lying to the lawyer about almost everything. And he will never admit it! It's really frustrating. I'm trying to act like nothing is happening, but it's hard to talk to him now bc I always feel like what he is saying is not true. Should I ignore him bc I know I'm supposed to forgive and everything but until the divorce is over I feel like I should ignore him. (he refuses to leave the basement) btw these are things he did 1.) filed the divorce behind my mom and my back 2.) illegally sent a lady to our house to deliver the news: she lied about a bunch of things (living in the neighborhood, losing her dog ect) but by the end she gave us the divorce papers (didn't tell us what it was and it was in an envelope) and suspiciously walked into the woods 3.) tried to trick my mom into signing a paper that said she had to leave 4.) tried to take custody of me (I hate him, I love my mom, I don't want to live with him) 5.) accused my mom of cheating and child neglect (she didn't cheat and he knows she didn't & she spends every minute with us and even took a night job to be with us) 6.) and even though I have proof to all of this he won't admit it. Idk how I should act around him. I feel fake when I act normal. And I feel like I'm a horrible person when I ignore him and don't forgive him. But how am I going to forgive him if he is still trying to get custody, and lying to his lawyer? -hailey


Dear hailey, 

If your mom has a lawyer you should state this accusations to them so then they can go to court and settle it there. He can't be making these accusations if all kids say so even the mom. As for acting around him Id tolerate him but that's all I can really say about that. I hope the best for you and your family hun. 

Love BAM

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