Love Problem 39

15 1 0

Dear BAM!I'd classify this one as a love problem.One of my best friends is 'setting me up' with a guy she's known for like three years. He's three years older than me and lives four hours away. She's not letting me talk to him until he comes to visit, which is in a week or two. She tells me that he's a great guy and super sweet, but I'm sort of scared that he's not who she says he is.~Desperate for Love


Dear Desperate for Love, 

I think that people trying to set you up is not always a bad thing but this comes with some questionable things such as the difference in time to where you guys live. Realistically you have to ask yourself if this actually works out are you okay with a long distance relationship or making one work? Also are you okay with the age difference? If these are both yes's than I would advise taking it slow. Get to actually know him before making up your mind if you may or may not like this person. Someone knowing someone else for a good amount is time is good for the most part because the person has taken the that time to get to know that person. So, to them that person is a great person and sweet. It's your time to determine if that's true but you shouldn't be scared because you don't have to date the guy so quickly or even do anything that you dont want to. Sometimes our emotions get the best of us. Our brain sends us in a frantic mode when something is new. It's your job to mentally tell yourself it's not a big deal. Start off slow. Don't be pressured into anything. This is the best advice I could give you in this situation. 

Hope this helps! 


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