Boy problem (9)

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Dear Alex,I recently have been struggling with 2 boys I may have feelings for .Guy 1: I'm really trying to avoid ,because I feel bad for even feeling this way for him. He has dated my best friend before and he hurt ,but at the same time she wasn't innocent either in a situation. As a best friend I feel like it is my duty to really dislike him ,but I really don't . It started out as a simple convo we had in class while we were partnered up for a project. He was being so nice even tho I started off trying to be mean ,but u see how that work out. He's cool and has a lot in common with me I met him before i met my best friend . Still doesn't make it right . Even tho my best friend is completely over him and has someone else I have no idea how to even bring up the topic ,and I don't know how she'll react to it.Guy 2: He's just someone I can't explain. He just does the smallest things and he make me flip all inside out (in a good way mostly). The problem I have is that he's confusing . We'll talk so frequently for like a moth and then out of nowhere we'll stop for a while. I hate it so much because I never know y it's always in the middle of a really good convo . Then at schools it'll be like really long awkward eye contact when we pass each other for lime a month . He told me once I needed to stop being so shy around him ,but I can't help it . And he teases me about it sometimes and then he complains. Then after that at lunch he'll walk buy me and my friends and he'll stare at me , so I ask him "what?" And he just says "nothing ,just wondering why ur being fake and not talking to me ." Then we repeat the whole process . He does things that makes me thinks he likes me then drops off the edge of the earth. I try to show him I do to in return without being so obvious ,because I'm scared of rejection. I just don't know what he wants from me . He's so freaking confusing . How do I get over this shyness ? I don't know what to do anymore . I really care for them both and I know nothing is official between either .heck idk if they even like me for sure but I don't like feeling confused. Please help :( ,sincerely an over dramatic teen


Dear an over dramatic teen, 

Guy 1: Honestly it's not even that bad of a deal to have feelings for the guy your best friend dated. I know that may be hard to believe but it happens more often than not. The only thing I have to say about this situation is that it may just be a better thing to wait to see if he likes you back so that doesn't hurt any type of relationship. Then if he does admit his feelings for you then you can go to your friend for approval and that way she wont be blindsided if you both decide to potentially late. It's also a good thing to prepare yourself for her getting mad because that will be inevitable in a lot of circumstances. 

Guy 2: It seems like this guy wants more effort on your end. But I feel as if he isn't accepting nor understanding either. You can either do one of two things start talking to him every time he passes you etc or just not do anything with the situation at all. I only say that because you are better off without this guy. Mixed signals are never good and it leaves you confused every time. 

It takes time to get over shyness and you shouldn't force yourself to be more outgoing if you just aren't that way. Try to explain to people you just get nervous around them and that's why your shy. People should be more understanding from there. It's better to communicate who you are and why because some people just don't know honestly. 

I hope this helps.


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