♡As long as I am here♡

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3rd person Pov:

The sound of bell ringing has entered into MEIKO's ears.

Akito and Toya just got in her cafe.
"Oh! Welcome Toya, Akito take a seat!"
MEIKO greeted them forming a smile on her face. "Thanks for having us" Toya replied while making himself comfortable in his seat beside Akito.

"What would you like?" MEIKO's voice was coming closer at Akito's ears. "I would take my usual, how bout you Toya?" He turned his head to face the blue haired one. "I will go with my usual too please" he looked back at Akito returning the smile. "Okay then one black coffee and a plate of pancakes coming right up!" MEIKO answered. She waved the boys as she made her way to the 'kitchen'.


MEIKO gave the order to the boys. "Hope you enjoy~" She said. "Mhm" Akito said while having already his mouth filled with pancakes. Toya laught at Akito. MEIKO had to ruin this moment for the two 'loverbirds' -as almost everybody called them like that- she said "Guys mind if you keep an eye on the cafe? KAITO needs me to show me something...At least this is what he said...Anyways! Len and Rin are with Miku and Luka practicing the upcoming event. So nobody is going to interrupt you"

Toya looked at MEIKO then back at Akito who was already looking at him as he said "There is no problem I think, right Akito?" "Mhm no worries" The two boys answered.


MEIKO waved back at the boys as her and KAITO left the cafe. Silence had filled the empty space, but it didn't feel awkward. They were comfortable with each other and appreciating their little silence.

But our dear Toya had to ruin this silence with the most annoying way. "Nee..Akito shouldn't we study for the upcoming tests since we have this chance?" Toya looked over to Akito, the only thing he earned was a scuff from him. "Why do you have to ruin this moment with the worst way possible" he mumbled to himself but loud enough for Toya to hear. "Wow.. you look very.. tired, even though I was joking for today, it's our day off so I'm not feeling it either". Akito's eyes lit up like stats were transpired in. "Finally you said something correct!" He let out a giggle as he watch Toya rolling his eyes rather sarcastically.

"Well, the only thing that I'm not joking about is that you look very tired. Would you like to go back at your house? I can keep an eye at the cafe" Toya said looking at Akito that had his head placed on top of the table with his eyes almost closed. "No, no I'm no- *yawn* -t leaving you here alone". He forced himself to get up and give Toya a tired smile with his hands making the 'thumps up' thing.

"Well if you say so.. I'm kinda bored so I'll continue my novel, mind?" He faced the orange boy that was fighting to stay awake. "No problem bud" he smiled. Toya opened his book and his eyes were scanning each page making him wonder what could happen next.


He suddenly felt something soft laying on his shoulder. He looked over and say Akito sleeping unconsciously on his shoulder. He decided that he didnt want to wake him since he looked so peaceful, so he continued reading his novel.

Not 15 minutes later he got tired he felt his eyelashes to get heavier. He laid his head against Akitos, closing his eyes leaving his book open at the table.


"Guysss I'm back, thank so much fo-" MEIKO was cut of guard with the sight. He smiled at the two boys. She felt like a second mother to them. She quietly yelled at KAITO to come and see the two of them sleeping so peacefully, that the thoughts of their dreams could be seen inside the room. The older couple admired the beautiful atmosphere.

Later MEIKO laid a blanket on top of them in case one of them felt cold. But suddenly Len and Rin run to the cafe causing the two boys to wake with a light blush in their faces from embarrassment.

"Huh..how long have we been here?"
Akito said looking at his phone. "1 AND A HALF HOUR HAVE PAST!" Akito looked back at Toya that was still confused about what us happening. His faces got hotter with a red blush this time forming his face." Hey Toya we should get home your father will look for you". Toya got up caring his stuff still half asleep.

The VOCALOIDS waved to the teenagers while they left. Akito thanked them for taking care of them, before pressing the song on his phone.


They magically appeared at Akitos room. They both stayed a bit more to cuddle until Toya got a call from his dad and had to leave.

This is my first chapter, I hope you like it! Words:835. Ik it's kinda small but i will try to make them bigger.

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