○Im sorry○

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Tw:suicide :')

It was about a week that Toya had stayed at Shinonome's house. His father was overseas for work and mother was at the hospital taking care of her mother.

Akito was down to the kitchen making a sandwich to share with Toya. On the other hand Toya was alone at Akito's room, supposedly waiting for him.

Suddenly a gap was heard, that was coming from Akitos room. Akitos eyes widen up in fear he rushed up to his room.

"No,no,no...this is not, no" he opened the door seeing Toya being laid down the flood with a rope around his neck.

Akito felt hot tears running down his face.


He went over at Toya trying to think of something that can save him. CPR. He tried but he knew he was bas at it. Ena rushed to Akitos room with her phone on her ear talking to the nurses.

Meanwhile Mizuki, Kanade and Mafuyu came running near Ena trying to ask what was going on. But only the sight of Akito crying himself out and Toya on the floor, there wasn't any more information they needed to gain.

Mafuyu walked over at Akito with her warmest smile but her eyes were dead.

"You're doing this wrong. Let me help until the ambulance comes"

"Yes please..."

Akito watched Mafuyu taking over. Toya was still warm and his heart was beating.


The ambulance came. Ena, Akito and Mizuki got in, Kanade and Mafuyu would inform everybody else even if they didnt know them personally.

Akito was trembling while Ena hugged him tight trying to convince him that everything is going to be ok. That didn't stop Akito thought from crying even Mizuki were worried and tried to help.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.."

Those were the only words that came out of Akitos mouth. Akito knew very well Toya, his secrets, his addictions and how perfectionist he was when it came to music.

But in those secrets Akito knew, how much Toya suffered from his suicidal thoughts. He was convinced that Akito would stay by his side for ever, but once he had an argument with his father all of the hope dissapeared.

He couldn't take any more. Before Akito went to make the sandwich, he was comforting Toya about his situation with his father. But it end up nothing worked up.

After some time Ena had to actually get Akito out of this despair.

"AKITO! You. Have to call Toyas family. They need to know."

"Bu-but i-i"

"There is no but. No go call him."

Ena gave him her phone. Akito plunged in the number. Some rings later he heard another man speaking from the other side.

"Mr. Aoyagi, what do you want"

"Eh-eh hello mr Aoyagi. I-I just wanted to tell you that...
Toya committed suicide.. by the way I'm Akito Shinonome."


"He did what?" Akito couldn't build his tears back anymore. Instead of answering he just let out his pain. His sister took over his place. As much as she dislikes him, she cares about him.

"Hello sir. My name is Ena Shinonome, I'm Akitos older sister. And yes sadly..Toya committed suicide. We are heading to the hospital ___ at _____ please come and help us. Akito is taking care of the papers, he knows most of the stuff.....
Oh..and also Akito is apologizing so I hope that you can forgive him...someday.."

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