#wakey wakey#

707 11 26

Tw: mentions of sex, homophobia, they are in their 20!

Toya woke up beside akito. His phone kept ringing. It was 4 am. It was pretty early for both of them. They had to do a lot of stuff today and sadly their day had to start before the sun even rises.

Toya closed the alarm and laid on top of akitos chest. His body was warm. He was relaxed. Toya closed his eyes again before feeling something moving against his body.

It was akito. He turned himself towards toya to hug him better. He snuffled his nose to toyas hair before whispering.

"Mhm.. what time is it.."

Toya couldn't clearly make out what akito said since he just woke up. He responded with an annoying sound. He didn't want to get up. He knew that this day was going to be hard.

Akito started trailing wit his bare fingers toyas chest. His eyes still closed, enjoying the warmth of the other. Toya did the same.

After a couple of minutes akito got off the bed. Leaving toya that had fallen asleep again in the bed alone. Akito covered him up with a blanket before making his way towards the closest.

He picked a new pair of boxers before grabbing his outfit of the day. He got dressed up in no time. He decided to try one more time to wake up toya. He slowly moved his body.

Placing soft kisses on his forehead and chest that was exposed. Toya opened his eyes. His eyes formed a smile. He hugged akito tightly before pulling him in for a kiss.

The kiss was sweet and messy as always. Akito helped him get out of the bed. Toya didn't wore his clothes yet. He just placed a white tshirt on his body that covered up everything.

He went to the kitchen to make their morning coffees. Akito opened his laptop to finish some final essays he had left for his work.

Toya gave one of the hot cups to him, before sitting beside him in the dinning table.

"Thanks honey"


"Aren't you gonna get dressed up?"

"Dont you like the view?"

"You little fucker"

"Give me a kiss"

"Do i have options?"


"Come here"

Akito pulled toya closer to him making their lips touch once again. Toya kissed him back before getting up from his chair.

He left akito alone with his essays to go get dressed up. After that he entered the bathroom to wash his face and teeth. He made sure to apply his make up before leaving. He grabbed his phone that was charging and went to sit to the living room.

They still had a bit time to relax. Toya opened tiktok to see whatever video An had send him. Once he saw it he immediately closed his phone before throwing it on the couch.

"Hey what happened?"


"Come on tell me!"

"Just.. an send me something. No need to worry"

Akito closed his laptop and made his way towards the other boy.

"Come on, just day what did you saw. You aren't a young kid anymore aren't you? I wont get mad on you or whatever."


Toya opened his phone and clicked the same link as before that An had send him just to see a gif on profile. It was a woman with her boobies exposed.

"Damm. She is ugly. No wonder why an is still single.. anyways, why did you act up like that? Its not like you haven't seen these before"

"Akito...! Ugh.. its just weird, its the first in the morning!"

"Mhm.. anyways. I finished my work and the time is almost 5. We should pack our past things and leave."


"Whats wrong? Your tone changed a lot "

"I dont wanna go.. i dont feel good"

"Everything is going to be f-"

Toya ran towards the bathroom before throwing up his morning coffee making his stomach empty again.

Akito went after him. He slowly entered the room before sitting beside toya that was crying.

"Hey.. there is no need to be scared of heights okay? We will be together. The planes are safe. And if anything ever happens, i will be with you, holding your hand okay?"


"You dont believe me right?"

"Who would?"

"I dont know.. whatever, lets just get up now and leave. We will be late"

"Okay,... Sorry for causing all this"

"Its okay"

Akito kissed his forehead before getting up. He helped toya by grabbing his hand to pull him up.


After a couple of minutes they finally arrived at the airport. They had already checked their stuff and their plane was leaving around 6 years. (Plz i have never been to an airport)

It was currently 5:39. They still had time to go check out different stores with sweets and toys. And maybe ordering another coffee.

Toya found a shop that he was really interested in. It had different pluses. Akito on the other hand was bored until he saw the excitement on toyas eyes once he found.

Another couple that was beside them kelt staring at them. Toya hugged akito since he was going to buy it for him. Their lips met with no shame at all.

The woman laughed a bit and turned to her husband to tell him about the two others. Akito noticed and quickly pulled toya away from there, he didn't want him to get hurt.

The couple was sitting beside them in the airplane Seats.

Akito was so unlucky.


Once they made sure that their seatbelts are secured, akito grabbed toyas hand. Toya surprising decided to sit facing the window. Maybe then he would beat his fear.

Akito was beside the woman that looked way older than them but not over 40

Toya was shaking, his hand was grabbing akitos too tight and sweat was dripping down his face. Akito pulled him closer.

He kissed again his forehead whispering some sweet words before letting the plane to take off.

Toya did it. He was still scared but a bit less. Cause akito was with him.


I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks a lot for 45 followers!

Also should i write a ruikasa fic?

I will only if you actually want to read :)

Also i did this thingy

Plz dont kill me..

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