○You messed up○

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Tw:too many ships that dont make sence but whatever. Its angst.


An ran towards the confused boy that was sitting alone on the school bench eating a slice of pizza that he bought from the school cafeteria.


"I fucking hate you. Look what you did!"

"What did i d-!"

An showed him a picture of Toya crying his eyes out, at his bedroom while Kohane was rubbing his back and an other girls that he still didn't recognized was offering him some water and biscuits.

"You did this! You caused this! You selfish asshole! All of this because you are a useless peace of shit that didn't want to lose a g0ddamn bet! I hate you. Ugh!"

"It wasn't my fault! You started it!"

"No. I didn't. You did and you know it!"

"Tsk fuck off. "

"Why?! Is your boyfriend going to come here?!"





Thats when Akito reached his limits. He pushed An down the yard. He then just grabbed her neck tightly looking at her eyes.

"I told you to fuck off"

But for his surprise he didn't got thr response that he waited. He insisted just felt tears on his palms. An was crying.

"Y-you monster.."

Akito then let go of Ans neck before taking his food and heading to the bathroom.

Why did he do that?


An got up looking at her arms that were now shaking. She ran outside of the school. She headed at Toyas house. She was welcomed again by Toyas father that was surprisingly calm and acceptable.

Maybe his sons mental breakdown gave him a lesson?


An rushed up Toyas room, knocking before entering. After she entered she found nene still awake with big eye backs down her face.


"An? Whats wrong?"

"I should be asking you that.. were you crying? Your eyes are red!"

"Im.. im fine. Why were you crying? Did he said something again?!"

"No he didn't say.. he.."



An started crying. She couldn't process what was happening. Akito was some months ago her teammate in music and overall a very close friend. But now.. what was happening now?

"An..? Are you okay? Should i call Kohane, Emu maybe, or mafuyu?"

"Maybe..but later... So. He just... Pushed me down the school yard and.. hrabbed my neck. I-i couldn't breathe nene.. i would get killed.. by him.."

"Im sorry "

"Its not.. its not your fault nene. But for now we have to stay strong for this weakass right here.."


"What time did he fall asleep?"

"At 6:43 a.m and 48 second"

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