
863 14 20

Their age is around 18-19

They are going on college

Akito was staying over at toyas house again to 'study' for his math exam together. But since toyas dad had some things to finish on his office the boys took advantage of that and sat together in the living room.

Toya had opened every book that was needed for the exam, he had actually believed akitos words. But the younger boy had other plans.

He closed most of the books and sat down the couch, placing a blanket on top of him. He placed his right hand on top of the soft fabric that the couch had and pointed the seat to toya.

Toya narrowed his eyebrows looking at akito with a moody face.



"Come on...! Tell me!'

"No, its nothing.. if you don't have any more questions you should leave then.. my dad has work"


"Come on akito.."

"I want to cuddle with you! Not fucking study!"

"Well, you made me prepare all these for nothing, i spend my whole afternoon yesterday for you, and i lost tsukasas performance"

"Well you got lucky with that"


"Fine.. fine.. im sorry! Can you please sit here with me? I miss you. With all that practice and school homework we dont have time for our selves"

"Ugh.. fine.. sorry for being like a-"

"Nah.. i dont mind. I like seeing you like this once in a while. It reminds me that you are a person and not a freaking android"

"What do you mean by that?!"

"The way you let out your emotions.. that what i mean stupid!"


"Will you come here now or what?"

"Im coming"

Toya stood up and sat beside akito. He placed his head on his shoulder while his hands got wrapped by akitos. The orange haired boy covered him up with the soft blanket.

Toya smiled at the cosiness. He closed his eyes to enjoy the moment a bit more before feeling a cold hand against his warm skin.


"Jeez.. you are so pissed today! Why?"

"Its.. its nothing!"

"Okay... Whatever.. i just wanted to hug you"

".. why was your hand inside my shirt then?"

"You know i like hugs like these better right? Or you forgot.. again."

"No i didn't. In fact i am the one who remembers stuff...you dont"

"Ohh.. like.. give me an example!"

"So you are asking for it!"


"yes father, sorry for the distraction."

"Tsk.. i hate your father."

"Can we talk about my family for once?!"

"You are the one that keeps bringing it on the table when we are at weekend garage!"

"Well now we are alone at my house so lets just forget about it!"


"Because i said so!"

"Oh..my! I just wanted to fucking cuddle with you and you ruined it again!"

"What do you mean by again?!"

"Every time i try to make us time for both us to stay together as a fucking couple that we are supposed to be you always have that shitty mood. And i dont like it. I don't enjoy my time with you if your face looks like this!"

Toya started crying.

"I, i just wanted you to say happy anniversary to us.. its been a month! And you totally forgot about it!!!"

"Huh?! A year passed that quick?"



"And then,... You call me moody! How am i supposed to feel about this akito? Should i be happy? That the person that i love the most totally forgot about the day that you promised me that ring!"

"Ring.. you still remember about the ring?"

"Yeah.. whatever.. im gonna take a quick shower.. i need to calm down"

"Hey wait"

Akito grabbed toyas wrist and pushed him back down the couch. He leaned down with his one knee before pulling from his pocket a ring.

He pointed it out to toya that was speechless. His eyes had taken a new shade of gray while his lips formed a new bride smile at his face.

"Will you be my lover?"


Toya jumped straight into his hug burying his face deep inside his neck before having a small mental breakdown.

"Shit! Im sorry! I didn't mean to be that bad! I don't deserve you"

"I love you "

"I-i do too! And.. I wanna be your lover.."

Akito smiled while chest was filling up with butterflies. He pulled toyas slick fingers towards him before placing the ring on them. He then pulled out another one, similar to toyas and placed it on his fingers.

Toyas smile reached his ears. He leaned forward his face to kiss akito. After their lips met they heard a clapping noice coming from afar.

They pulled back just to see toyas parents clapping. Toyas mom was half crying. She was happy that her son found someone that actually loved and cared as much as they did back.

One the other hand, toyas dad wasn't really feeling it for the homosexual thingy but he still was proud of his son. But he could never admit it in front of him just like that.

Akito stared back at toya before kissing him again. Toya didn't hesitate not minding his parents. He placed his hands around akitos necks before pulling himself deeper into the kiss.



I hope you enjoyed!

Sorry for not posting on Tuesday!

I was writing history..

I got 15/20 :p

Tysm for 43k viewwwwws!

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