♡(♤)Want some gum?♡(♤)

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Tw:making out.

Toya was sitting beside Akito. He was staying over to study for the math exam that took place on Friday. It was currently Wednesday.

They needed to work on a few problems before jumping back again to calculations. Akito was just tired by hearing what he had to do.

They were both seating on the floor that was now covered with a light blue rag. They had a small desk that they kept their books and pens.

Akitos mom would check up on them every so often, just to make sure that Toya was comfortable. The same thing Ena did. But not to see if Toya was okay.

But instead to catch them kissing. She knew that her little brother liked that boy. Even though he had never talked about it. Especially with her.

But she had a feeling. Their relationship was different. Akito was acting way different around him, he was being more.. soft?

It was a weird situation. They were also listening to music with Akitos headphones. Toyas pen was now fast like a rabbit.

But on the other hand, Akito had spaced out. He wasn't paying attention anymore. His was just day dreaming of him and toya going out to eat at his favourite café pancakes.





"Akito... Im talking to you..!"

"Oh sorry.. what did you say?"

"Its okay don't worry.. i just asked you about this problem. Do you need help with it? Its kinda difficult to understand... Even for me..!"

"Yeah.. yeah.. because you are a nerd!"


"Ugh...i will try my best mkay?"

"Yeah.. i know.. so please stop thinking about pancakes!"

"How did you know that?!"

"You usually bite your lips.."

"Oh.. i didn't know that.. wait.."


"Does that mean that you are staring me?!"

"N-no! Why would i do that.."

"Im joking bro.. anyways. Ena bought me gum. Want some? Its strawberry flavour"

"Sure. I dont see why not."

"Here have as many as you want. I got three"

"Aren't these a bit too much aki?"


"Whatever you say then"

Toya placed one gum on his lips while he gave the rest of them to akito. He then just pulled the gum inside his mouth. The smell of the gum was making the atmosphere way better.

But the best part was the sunset. Akito had the best view, threw his balcony. The pink sky was fading while dark blue took over.

Akito grabbed his phone and changed the sing To a one more relaxing.


As the time went by, both of the boys started staring at each other. Suddenly Akito placed his hand on Toyas cheek.

Both of the boys leaned into the kiss. Toyas hands were attached on top of Akitos body.

The kiss was small and not rough. After they pulled out Akito let the blue haired boy to breath a bit before kissing him again.

This time Akitos tongue slipped inside Toyas mouth. They continued kissing but relaxing..?

Akito couldn't describe the feeling.  He couldn't get turned on even though both of them touched each other.

They were feeling free to touch each other. Suddenly Akitos mom walked inside his room. The sight left her in shock.

Both of the boys were laying on the floor -continued kissing- while Akitos hands were inside Toyas shirt. Toyas hands were wrapped around Akitos neck.

And they were totally chill about it. They had a light blush on their cheeks  but it was nothing serious.

After Toya saw Akitos mother he pushed the boy away from him. Akito looked at his mother kinda disappointed? He didn't actually knew if his mom is going to support him.

"Mom.. I can explain!"

"Its okay.. why didn't you tell me though".

"It.. it just happened now "

"Oh.. okay . I will go order pizza, would you like some too Toya?".

"Yes please"

"Okay I will call you when the food arrives"

"Kay mom"

When she left Toya stared back to Akito. Akito had a smirk on his face. He laid down to his bed. Toya did the same beside him.

They were both shirtless. Akitos hands traveled all around Toyas body. Toya did the same. They stayed luke this before Akito fell asleep.

He at least tried his best at math today.


I fell asleep while waiting my mom to fall asleep. And  now I woke up at 6am. And finished it. It's a  it rushed but whatever.

Here are mah books.

Guess which one is math

Anyways tysm for 23k views!!!

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