♡Happy new year♡

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Toya sat down the red carpet that the weekend garage had placed around the Christmas tree.

Akito took off his Christmas hat that An forced him to wear for a picture.

"Oh come on akito.. dont act like a kid and just smile"

"This hat is iching me!"

"Yeah sure.. come on kohaneeee let me huggggg youuu"


"Just kiss already.. whatever.. can we open our presents now?"

"Sure kito"

"Dont call me that"

"But toy-"

"Its different"

"Kay whatever.. go on toya open your gift!"


Toya grabbed a small box that was covered in light pink and light blue wrapping paper with a small card saying 'an and kohane'.

He started ripping off the wrapping paper and for his surprise he found a small music box that he guessed that the girls had painted.

"Woah guys thats amazing.. did you painted?"

"Yes! We sure did! To be honest.. kohane did the most. She is way better than be"

"Oh thats alright, i really like it."

"We also placed one of your dads recording of him playing violin in a state or something"

"Tsk an his dad isnt in a band or whatever. What will he play on a stage with a fricking violin??"

"Well i just forgot the word!! Whatever.. lets continue. Its still 9pm but we have to eat and go over at akitos house."

"Yeah sure.. im kinda hungry too so lets just hurry up and have dinner"

"Okay so this is for you an.."


A couple of minutes and gifts later everyone was sitting around a brown wooden table that ken had brought for kiddos to sit and eat.

Since he knew An and Akito would fight over small things he sat between them enjoyed the food that he cooked. But of course An and Kohane helped while the boys were cleaning up the place.

As all of them were talking about new years eve and more Akito got a call on his phone from an unknown number. He excused himself and went outside were it was snowing to answer the call.


Suddenly a hologram appeared on top of his phone. Not even a second later he was facing the two siblings, Rin and len.

"Happy new year Akito!!!!"

"Rin!!! Stop yelling!! Anyways, where is everyone?"

"Oh we were just abou to eat dinner"

"That late??"

"Its not late.."

"Well, well, let the kids eat and they will call us they say later,  now come on luka brought you two some more presents "




Suddenly the hologram disappeared leaving poor Akito speechless. He took a big breath before walking inside. The food was smelling from miles away and everyone was starving.

The ate all good, but the best part was the KFC chicken wings that Ken had ordered. They smelled delicious. 

Toyas face was covered up with a bit of ketchup.  And because Akito is just a good friend he leaned forward and with his thumb he scraped off the red liquid..?

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