#A new melody pt2#

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Toya pulled out of the hug looking at everyone.

"Thank you so much guys for coming.. this means a lot to me.."

"Dude there is no need to get emotional.. by the way my.. parents...want to talk to ya"

"Sure Akito."


"Toya, congratulations for making it here with so little practice. And thank you for inviting us"

"Its my pleasure really.."

"By the way Akito bought you something, did you like it?"

"MOM! Stop I haven't told him yet.."

"How am I supposed to know then?"

"Ask me first...ugh anyways..
Here Toya your gift for inviting us.."

He gave toya a green back. And after he leaned forward until he reached Toyas ear.

"My mom made me buy this I have something else for you..that I chose.."

He then stepped back looking at Toya.

"Thank you so much. It really wasn't necessary.."

"Will you open it?!"


Toya opened the back to see a reddish pair of cloves, a white tshirt and a gray jacket with some black stripes on it. He was confused how the cloves were supposed to match but he didn't really care at this moment.

"I love them! I will make sure they arrive at home safe."

"We are glad. We will go talk to your parents and see you later."

Akitos parents finally left. Now Toya and Akito were alone sitting to a bench under a tree.

"here is your actual gift from me"

It was an small box that had golden letters on top. Toya opened it to see a pair of earrings and a necklace. Both earings and the necklace were silver. With tini dots of orange and dark blue dots on top. Akito placed his hand to the hearing taking them out.

He then wore the earring. Toya then realized how he was supposed to 'use' this gift. He took the necklace and placed it around his neck.

It matched with his outfit. He then looked back at Akito that was now a blushing tomato. He couldn't hold back the laughter until he broke down to a chuckling mess.

"Hey! Stop! Your making it more difficult!"

"Difficult for what" he continued giggling.

"I wanted to tell you something."

"Oh the  I'm.sorry.. go on."

Toya tried his best to sit straight.

"So...I wanted to tell you that.. whatever happens I will be by your side. Even if you lose or win.. or get in a fight with your father or anyone else here or even me! I will..  still try to be by your side so please dont  get sad if things dont turn right okay?"

"Thsnk you. I-I will never forget how well you understand me. I promise I wont get depressed because of this."

"Good..because now I'm hungry. Let's go grab something with the others. The musical thingy starts in 2 hours so we have plenty of time."

"You are right. Let's go!"


They ate with the others. -even enana-
After their lunch Toya had to leave earlier to go sigh up some paper and take photographs for..money? He didnt know why he was doing this.

After some minutes all of the groups entered the white building trying to find the right room.

After hours of searching and searching they found the room that Toya was going to perform. They took the sits that were as close as possible to the stage.


On the other hand Toya was practicing all over again his piece but because of the stress he kept making mistakes that overwhelmed him even more.

His father was yelling at him for not trying enough even though poor toya didn't know how to handle the situation.


Toya walked outside the backstage and went to seat with his friends for a bit beforeeaving again to get prepared.

Like changing outfit. Fixing his hair. Making sure his violin is ready and even practice if he had time.

They were many talented people there. Each person was playing diffrent kinds of instruments but the must common ones were violin, piano and guitar.

Akito was never been into classical music. But those people had a great talend that made Akito realize how lucky he was to have Toya.

Not a lot after it was finally Toyas turn. Toyas father was with him at the backstage giving him advice. Akito successfully made his way to the backstage to comfort Toya by saying they are dating.

Which was obviously a lie. But who cares.

"Akito?! What are you doing here?"

"Big story.. I just wanted to say good luck. By the way you look amazing! Your hair is so different and stuff..anyways. You are going to be amazing.! Got it?!"

"Yes.. thank you Akito.. I.. i really love your company.. thanks again for all of this."

"No.. worries.. now go! Your old man is going to yell again."

"Got it"

Just like that Toya entered the stage placing his hands to the violing and closing his eyes to get focused. It was time for him to show his love to Akito.

I know it's small and I'm super sorry for that but my mom doesn't let me to write more becuz its "too late"

I hope you enjoyed!

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