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Charlie spring -> toya
Nick nelson -> akito
Mizuki->she/her (elle)

Toya was staying over at his friends house for the night. They were having a movie night. Rui, Mizuki and Airi were his friends, they were now all eating snacks like popcorn and candy bars while watching a movie that of course Airi chose.

She was the only one that choose films and movies for them to watch, no matter if the rest liked the plot or not. She was very strick when it came to this type of stuff. She didn't even take that seriously her homework.

Well it's not like she would do otherwise, homework was always boring and hard. But she still tried. Toya was the 'nerd' that was giving his answers to them, even though he was going to a different school than her.

Mizuki used to go to an all boys school with Rui and Toya, but last year she came of as transgender, and moved to the same school as Airi. At least she had a friend to share a few things.

On the other hand, Rui was a bit sad about his friend that left. He had to deal alone now with toya falling for straight guys and trying to get him back to reality.
Not everyone is gay

"How long is this movie airiiii?"

"Who knows?..."

Toya looked at her with a face of 'for real', before moving the mouse slightly to see the small red bar moving.


"And? We have to see it"

"Ugh.. come on airi"

"Shut it mizuki"

"Well whatever. I will go to the bathroom real quick."


The rest continued watching the movie until Mizuki came back. She sat beside them once again before cuddling herself once again.


"Excited about form classes?"

"Nope. Not at all."


"At least it won't be every lesson. I will still be able to get the answers from you"


"Fufu, well see ya. Gotta go"


Both of them walked towards different directions. Toya entered his form class, before getting the seating plan by the teachers. He was sitting beside akito shinonome.

He seemed. Cute.



Both of them smiled, before opening their notebooks.

~~~~(2 weeks later)



"Where are you going?"

"Im having my violin lessons now"

"You can play the violin?!"

"Yeah.. but its not something very hard"

"Well, whatever you say. See ya"


Toya walked off as he blushed slightly. He had fallen again. For a straight guy..

"I keep buying two cupcakes. Why dod mizuki left us.."

"You know its the best for her, right?"

"Still! Well. What new with the form class?"

~Akitoya one shots~Where stories live. Discover now