♡Trip time!♡

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Tw: making out

Toya was sitting at the bed that he was sharing with Akito, writing something unknown to the rest of the world.

At the moment he was the happiest he could ever be. Their families agreed to go on holidays together, since Akitos father was working with toyas dad for a music festival.

They took traveled to an island. Outside of japan. It wasn't at Asia too. Instead the small island took place at Europe. The country that owned the small island was greece.

They were now staying at a kinda luxury hotel, since it was dinner time. All of them agreed to go out and eat traditional food.

Toya was writing about his trip that he and akito had. After they got off the plane the temperature was too hot.

And even though people that seemed greek even wore sweat shirts at such a hotness. This country is weird in a good way. Was toyas first thought.

Oh. He should probably mention the actual island that they went. It was Mykonos.


It was now around 8 p.m and everyone was getting ready. The boys wore simple clothes but not too casual. It was a mix. Ena on the other hand took hours to get out of the bathroom.

She was wearing a red dress that reached above her knees. She had her hair done like her makeup. She was literally ready for any situation.

"Guys! Get inside the car! We are leaving!"

"Coming mom.."

Akito turned his head towards Toya.

"Wanna go with us?"

"I will ask."

"Okay. See you there I guess"


Akito stood up but before leaving the room he placed a soft kiss on Toyas ckeek.

"A-ah! Sorry. I.. eh. Accidentally. See you!"

"Bye kito.."

Toya placed one of his cold palms to his face. It was burning hot. Why though?


Toya ended up going with Akito. They were both sitting beside each other, toya facing the window. They were a bit squished since Ena was there too.

They made their way to a local restaurant. Once they entered inside they were welcomed with the smell of delicious food that they had never tried.

Akitos parents chose a table. After everyone sat down the waiter came to take their orders.

"Γειά σας,  τι θα θέλατε να παραγγείλετε;"

The poor waiter was getting confused looks by everyone.

"Oh... Excuse me. What would you like to order?"

"I want something that has meat and is traditional here."

"On it.. we have something that is called 'gyros' it has inside pork, tomatoes, french fries and sos."

"Sounds interesting.  I will have two of these please."

"Eh.. I would like to get.. the food that is called..'papoutsakia'"

"A very good option young sir. And you mandam" (my personal fav. Food)


"Ha I know you dont know English!"

"Ugh. Shut up Akito! I'm trying to find the English word!"

~Akitoya one shots~Where stories live. Discover now