♡And... we are late again..♡

687 11 38

Tw: making out, mentions of sex

Akito woke up from a sudden sound. It was his alarm that was going off. Once he opened his eyes he was met with the sight of his lover. Toya was sleeping peacefully beside him.

Akito smiled at the beautiful view before checking his phone to see the time. Once he opened his phone the whole room was filled with light. He had forgot to turn down the brightness last night and now he almost made himself blind.

He groaned. And his day got even worst when he realized that he was late. He pushed himself out of toyas hands before wearing his sleepers to go find his clothes for the day. Toya had a day off today.

Lucky.. akito thought.

"Mhm.. aki..to?"

"A-ah.. toya.. did i wake you up?"

"Kinda.. come here.."

"I-i cant...im already late..!"

"Just a minute.. please"

"Ugh.. fine. I hate the fact that i love you so much"

"I love you too akito"

Toya wrapped his hands around the other while their legs got tangled. His head was laying on top of akitos hand. Keeping the eye contact.

"If you dont re- *yawn* lax.. i wont like it.."

"Ah.. you are right.. i still have time"

Akito snuggled his nose up to toyas neck, smiling to himself thinking how lucky he was to be in that place. Toya did the same. But sadly this mood had to be ruined.

Akitos coworker had to ruin the mood for them with his phone call. Akito got pissed. He got off the bed and answered the call. Apparently his friend, had forgotten to his house some paper files that he needs for today, asking of course akito if he could bring them with him.

"Yeah.. yeah whatever. I need to leave. Im late"

"Okay! Thanks man..!"

Akito ended the phone call.

"This bitch... Who does he think he is?! Calling me 'man'. Tsk"

"Hey akito.."

"Sorry toya.. i really need to go now.."

"No, its not for that silly"

Toya got off the bed. He approached the orange haired one before hugging him tight. Akitos smell was all spread to his shirt. Toya placed his cold nose to the other ones warm neck.

After a couple of seconds they both pulled back, their eyes shining, wanting to kiss each other. So they did. They both leaned closer and closer, making their noses touch before-

Akitos phone started ringing again. Akito got so pissed that he threw his phone to their bed before pulling toys into a gentle kiss. Toya respond moving his lips against the others.

When akito tried to pull out he couldn't. He instead placed his warm hands to toyas cheeks, moving them up and down until toya opened his mouth for him.

They both shared a more messier kiss. They were both 'hungry' for each other. Making the kiss last longer than expected. Toya wrapped his hands around of akitos neck. Falling deeper into his lover.

Once they finally pulled back there was a string of saliva connecting their mouths. Akito broke the eyes contact a bit embarrassed on how the situation had turned into. Toya on the other hand, Smiled.

His cheeks were red. As he leaned closer to akito placing a small kiss on his forehead before whispering to him.

"I will go make breakfast. Go get ready"

And thats how toya left the room, making his way towards the bathroom and after the kitchen. Akito picked out his clothes and got dressed up before brushing his teeth and hair.

After all that he was finally ready to have breakfast. Be grabbed his now almost dead phone and sat to the small dinning table the couple had in their kitchen. Once he opened his phone the sound of messages spamming all over the place filled the room.

"Ugh.. "

"Come on aki.. your pancakes are ready"

Toya said placing the plate that was filled with pancakes in front of akito before kissing him in his cheeks. Akito looked at him confused.

"But you usually dont have time- or you have to-"

"I used the premade package. So i only had to bake them. I hope that breakfast makes your day up a little, cause you seem down"

"Ah.. thanks, a lot toya.."

"No problem.. now lets eat before they get cold"



After they finally finished their breakfast akito war ready to leave the house until toya stopped him. He hugged him once more a bit embarrassed this time since akito was in a hurry.

But akito decided to take this to another level. He slowly moved his hands to toyas ass and then slipping in his hands.

Toya whined for response. He made eye contact with the other male before kissing him once again. As the kiss went by akitos hands kept traveling toyas body making tremble from time to time.

After they pulled out akito left toya alone since he had to go to work.

"See tou love"

"Ugh.. pervert! I will take revenge!"

"I would love to see that"

Akito smiled before closing the door. He really couldn't stop himself from laughing until he arrived to his work space.

-he forgot the files home.

Words: 880

I hope you enjoyed!

Im sorry again for not posting T_T

I keep getting into fights with my parents.



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