♡Happy birthday!♡

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(This is like a month or two late but whatever)

It was the 24 of May, meaning Toya's birthday was tomorrow.. and Akito... Had no freaking idea what to get for his best friend's birthday. This sounds so stupid. They were best friends.. they were supposted to know everything when it came to these things. Well at least from Akito's side he didn't know shit.

He was now panicking in his room. Everyone he knew had already bought a present or something to give Toya tomorrow and he still hadn't figured out the solving process in one of his math problems.

He could easily ask Toya's help but he felt too embarrassed about the fact that He. Akito shinonome, couldn't figure out what to buy for him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA" he screamed in his pillow.

What could he possibly buy him, in such little time, that he doesn't already own or his friends hadn't bought. This was another whole math problem for him to solve. What if he...


Nuhh.. thats too simple..?

Or maybe Akito was a small chick.. 

Yep. They second one was more likely to be true. But.. he still hadn't figured out his feeling for Toya. What would he tell him? And what if he got rejected? Ah.... another problem that he needed to figure out. Was life always that difficult...?

Anyways. It was already 7 o'clock, not too late but neither too early. He decided to leave the math problem for later and focus a bit more on his life's problems. He grabbed from his wallet some cash and headed out to look around the stores.

Maybe an idea would pop up his mind while walking around the millions ideas. He entered a convenient store and started looking around for things that reminded him of Toya or stuff that was Toya mostly interested in.

And then the perfect idea popped into his mind. He could buy toya all sorts of things (but always small enough) and put them all in a basket with some flowers. Who wouldn't like to get gifted all his favourites things?


So he got to work. He took first some coffee beans -from the best ones he could find- since Toya was such a coffee lover the smell would cheer him up in days when his mood was off.

"Hmm.. now..."

He looked around until he spotted a pink haired girl looking around at the candy beside him.

"Oh..! Shinonononome?"

"A-ah.. emu"


"Shhhhhh be quite.. but yes.. how about you?"

"Oh..! Im here to buy candy for me and nene-chan! We are having a movie night !"

"Ah.. well have fun . I will go look around some more.. see you"


'Jeez.. how does she always have so much energy? He needs to find out what she drinks.. '

well no more playing around, he didn't have too much time left.

He went towards the flowers that the store had, he picked out a bouquet and continued his shopping.

After emu finally left the candy he pick out some bars that Toya really likes. Oh he also bought some other stuff like two small matching plushes, a keychain since toya was surprisingly collecting those, a mini microphone that he found funny and many more.

Sadly he ended up paying more than he planned but it was for Toya so every single penny was worth it. When he finally left the store the time was almost 10 o'clock. How did time pass so fast?

He needed to head quickly home to prepare his gift.. and finish that damn exercise...


It was now night, he prepared everything, and his homework sadly.. but oh well, he was now eating a bag of chips since he didn't have the time or the energy to make himself dinner to eat and Ena was out with some friends.

He was now looking at the clock waiting patiently to hit 12 o'clock, he wanted to be the first one to send Toya happy birthday or even call him. He didn't really care, he just wanted to be the first.

He was counting seconds until he finally send the message, Toya read it right away. He responded pretty quickly too before Akito called him.

"Happy birthday Toya"

"Thank you Akito.. you didn't have to stay up so late for that.."

"I wanted to be the first.."

"Well.. you will always be my first, does that sound reviling?"

"A-eh..erm yeah.. you too. So.. about tomorrow- i mean in the morning can we walk together at school?"

"Sure, i will wait you"

"Okay i will come pick you up then"

"Mhm. Then goodnight, go to sleep"

"You too.. sweet dreams"




None of them closed the call. It was a bit awkward.

"Akito, since its my birthday you close the call"

"Hey..! Using your birthday as an excuse is unfair..! But oh well okay. In just a minute.. if you get bored you can close it yourself."

"I dont mind"

"Mhm "


There was more awkward silence, but this time Akito could hear Toyas breathing and.. his heartbeat?.. he wondered if toya could hear his own heart that was going crazy at the moment.

"Bye toya"

"See you"

Akito closed the call. His face was burning.. oh he needed sleep. But little did he know that Toya was the same as him..


The next morning came pretty quickly, Akito got ready as dast as he could and made bis way to Toyas house with the basket he had prepared for him.

Once he arrived he knocked on the door waiting with a bit of anxiety for toya to come out. After the door opened Toya was greeted by a big red basket filled with all sorts of things.

His smile was brighter than the sun.

"Happy birthday Toya, i hope you like this.. i know it's very.. not.. cool ? I guess.. i tried."

"Not cool?! This is amazing.. thank you..!"

Toya placed the basket down before giving a tight hug to Akito. Toya hugged him back, his smile reaching his ears.

"Hey Toya.."

Both of them pulled out of the hug but not completely, their faces were centimeters away from each other.

"I wanted to ask you.. if you wanna go out sometime.. just the two of us.."

"L-like a date..?!"

"Well if you want.. you can call it a date.."

Toya didn't give an answer to Akito, he instead leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Akito didn't hesitate at all, he pulled toya deeper smiling into the kiss.

After they pulled out Akito wished Toya happy birthday again before making their way to school.

(Toya left the basket at his house)

I hope you enjoyed!!!

Please let me know if you would enjoy-read my fics if they were sometimes over 1500 words..!!

Next chapter is gonna be one of your ideas!! If you have more requests let me know!


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