♧#Please stay, its okay #♧

186 6 7

Autistic/depressed Toya x Adhd/ed Akito :)

Tw:sh scars, anorexia,  insomnia.. mental breakdowns, etc

Toya hugged his pillow before falling asleep.  It was around 2 am. He and Akito decided to call it a day and fall asleep. He wanted to text him more but his boyfriend insisted,  at least they would meet tomorrow again.

Thank goodness tomorrow was Friday which meant he could spend more time with him accompanying him and the fact that the week was finally over. No more school buy he had to study hard.

He really didn't like studying. It always took him a lot of effort for a minimum result which made him think that he is useless   why couldn't he be like everyone else. Learning history with just one time reading.

He closed his eyes and started daydreaming about his date with Akito tomorrow, though they will probably go to hik place since it was still winter and it was really cold outside. Perfect weather for cuddles.

On the other hand, Akito was already snoring  sweat forming on his forehead.

He was exhausted.


Toya woke up by a loud noise, it was the glasses getting settled in the dining table for him to go eat breakfast with his family. His ears were capable of hearing so far away stuff, most people thought that this was a superpower but it made Toyas life even more difficult. 

Even the slightest amount of noise could make his ear hurt and it was no fun. Well he should get ready anyways. Thankfully he wasn't writing any tests today so the day would go on pretty flawlessly.

Once he got ready he greeted his parents and sat down to the table to eat his breakfast, eggs with rice and some leftover dinner from yesterday.  He waited for his parents to sit down with him before starting to eat.

After a couple minutes, he got up  placed his plate inside the sink and left the house. We walked for around 2 minutes before sitting down to a yellowish bench near a tall tree.

Without many seconds passing, a ginger haired boy appeared, walking towards Toya with a smile on his face. Once Toya noticed he got up and hugged the other boy, burying his face deep inside the others shoulders.

Akito hugged him back tingly before pulling back to give a sweet quick kiss to his boyfriend.

"I missed you"

"Good morning to you too Toya..  and I missed you too. How did you sleep?"

"Not really well. I woke up three times today.. you?"

"Yeah, kinds the same, I woke up so many times, since my sister kept making noise, uhh what else.. what you wanna do after school?"

"Ehhh can I come over?"

"Obviously dude. No need to ask, i mean like before coming over, wanna visit a cafe or somethin"

"First of all dont call me dude I'm your boyfriend,  and second of all you are asking me out on a date Huh...???"

Akito blushed, leaving toya hand since they almost reached their school and he didn't wanna be seen.

"Any problem with that mr. Boyfriend?c

"No, none at all. I would love to"

Toya stared st hill with them most loving eyes ever.


Toya had chemistry right now..  oh how sleepy he was. The motivation he had in the morning slowly leaving his body. Suddenly he didnt wanna hang out with anyone, not in the breaks nor after school either Akito. His eyes gave up and fell asleep on the desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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