♡\○Its just a nightmare○\♡

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Tw: emetophobia, vomit, trembling, panic attack

It was peaceful night, that Akito and Toya decided to watch a movie together.

The just married couple had prepared every thing for the movie. They both sat down to the red couch before opening the tv.

Toya opened Netflix and chose a movie. Akito opened a bag with chips and started eating them.



Akito placed his hand around Toyas neck before bringing himself closer to Akito. Toya snuggled his nose to his chest.

They both ate and watch the movie at the same time until Akito realized that Toya had fallen asleep.

He closed the tv and slowly got up trying not wake wake him up. He looked so peaceful.

He took the bowls with the chips and placed them I to the right cabinets. After that he went inside their big bedroom and fixed the bed to be ready for them.

He then went back inside the living room to pick up Toya. He carried him in bridal style. His cheeks lit up when toya hugged him placing his nose into his neck.

"Toya.. i love you"


He knew that he other boy could hear him, but for now he had to take care of him because toya wasn't a morning person and he got pissed very easily.

He slowly placed him into the site before covering him up with blankets. He kissed his forehead before hoping into the bed beside him.

Their legs got tangled. Akito hugged toya tight keeping him close.


Later that night akito needed to use the bathroom. He probably drank too many sodas that night.

He got out of the bed and closed the door of their room before entering the bathroom. He sat at the toilet seat until he finished his job. He washed his hands like he would normally do until he heard toya screaming.


But the scream was full of tears. Akito quickly closed the water and ran into their room just to see vomit down the floor.

Toya was there trembling and crying. He couldn't calm down.

"Shhh tlya im here"


Toya couldn't move from his position. He was stuck at this nightmare. Every second that passed his tears and trembling were becoming more serious.

Akito went into the bed from the other side and hugged him tight. But nothing worked. Poor toya was horrified.

"Shhh.. im here toya. Everything is going to be fine"


"Toya.. calm down"


the pain toya was feeling could be seen by the rised temperature he had. Akito hugged him every so often too tight to proof him he is beside him.

"Toya im here"


Akito turned around toya. His face was red. The tears had taken all over his body. His hands couldn't stay still they were trembling. He was now pulling his hair trying to keep himself together.

Akito placed toyas head into his chest. He didn't really care if his shirt got dirty from the left over vomit that was speared around his mouth.

Suddenly Toya shut his mouth.


His body teansed up thats when akito quickly turned him to face the outside of the bed again.

He threw up again. Akito let out a sigh. He knew that if he wanted to calm down toya he first needed to clean up the mess.

He got off the bed leaving toya alone crying again.

"Akito..! Come here! Please! Im sorry!!"

"Calm down. I need to clean up and then we can cuddle okay?"


Akito started cleaning the mess while toya tried to calm himself down even he knew that it didn't work.

After akito finished he picked up toya and placed him into the bathroom. He told him to wash his face and teeth and that he would be back in a minute.

He was in the kitchen now making a tea for his beloved one. Once the tea was ready he checked if it was the right temperature with his pinky.

Toya was already sitting at the bed. He also took a small shower because his clothes smell. Akito also changed the sheets and placed a small backet for toya in case he got sick again.

He then gave the tea to him before laying down again. After a couple of sips toya hugged akito very tight. As he kept apologizing.

"Shhh... Its okay. You are okay. We are okay. Now lets sleep. If you need me anything just wake me up okay?"

"Mhm.. i love you"

"I love you too, now lets sleep because my boss will kill me"

Toya let out a small chuckle.

Words: 780



I vent my emetophobia to Toya. Hahaha..ha

Hope u enjoyed!

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