♡Christmas night♡

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The day that Toya has been waiting about had finally came. He and his supposed to be boyfriend were going out on a date at the amusment park Tsukasa was working. He was pretty exhited especially more sicne it was christmas.

His father finally let him go out of the house for once in a public holiday without asking too much information.

And Toya was sure glad about it. He could finally replace the time that he hadnt spend with his lover all this time because of his dad strictness.


He was getting ready at his room. A small white christmas tree was the one that gave light to the room.

His parents were getting ready to, since they found it a very good deal to go on a small date. Only the two of them. Well... Toyas mother was the one that suggested the whole thing.

But who cared right now. Suddenly the door bell rang. Toya quickly made his way downstairs to welcome his lover to his house.

Once he opened the door Akito had a bouquet of white roses on his hands while his face was mostly covered up with his scarf and thick clothes. He looked kinda cold.

"These are.. for you.."

Akito slowly whispered. He was quite nervous about entering the house. He had already met with Toyas parents but now it felt kinda different.

It was very unusual for Toyas dad to allow something like this especially in such a day!

"Thanks.. You can come in. We will leave in a bit, but for now.. do you want to go up to my room? Mom made cookies and i want you to try them. I helped a bit"

"Of course i will try. I bet they are way better since you helped"

"If you say so.."

Toya blushed a bit as he closed the door. The ginger and blue haired boy went upstairs. Once they reached the first floor they were met with Toyas mother.

She was applying make-up on her face. Red and black were the main colors of her outfit. Not something unusual for Christmas.

"Oh..! You already came...!"

"Hello.. mis. Merry Christmas"

"Happy holidays to you too... Sadly i cant really chat at the moment, i need to get ready before my husband starts yelling again.."

"Its totally fine. It was nice to see you"

"Me too sweety, bye"

Akito finally entered Toyas room. He placed the flowers beside the Christmas tree while Toya turned on the lights.

He sat on his chair that was placed beside his desk, on the other hand Akito just laid on his bed. He of course took off his shoes.

A couple of minutes passed and both of them were talking about the most random things that a person could have imagined. But that was totally normal with them.

Akito was the one that usually talked and Toya would listen to him and sometimes say his opinions but with using only a couple of words.

And he was the one that had almost straight A's..

Minutes passed like seconds until toyas mother entered the room. She said goodbye to her son before leaving. She left the keys on his desk for us to lock up the house.

Finally we were alone. Nobody could distract us or enter in the wrong moment. He could finally do what he was waiting for this whole time.

He got off toyas bed and went towards him. Once he reached him he slowly tried to pick him up, but he failed. Toya helped himself and got off the seat.

Thats when akito pushed him down to his bed. Then he got on top of him hugged him tightly.

"I missed you"


Toyas voice sounded sweet. It was way softer than the other times, but now he said it with a way that felt too good to be true. Akito couldn't describe the feeling.

Their smiles reached their ears until Akito pulled out of the hug. He stared deeply toyas eyes. He felt like he was stuck there. Loosing his mind of that beautiful color they had.

He leaned a bit forward, he could feel toyas hot breath against his lips. Their cheeks and foreheads were touching. This was way more than he could ever ask for.

Toya pulled him slowly down. Making their lips finally touch. They shared a big gentle kiss. Some seconds late they had to pull out. Eyes sparkling again.

Akito smile at the cute sight.

He got up, waiting for toya. They made their way outside of the house, locking before leaving. Their held their hands together for the rest of the walk.

Some small kisses were being left here and there. Smiles and giggles escaped both if them until this night had to come to an end.

But thats when toya took the risk. He would try to convince his parents to let akito stay over. Well since they weren't back yet they could spend a bit more time together.

Or continue what they started before. It was now toyas turn to admire akito olive eyes...

Words: 860








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