○im as confused as you○

644 14 7

Tw: self harm (yes more angst)

Toya was sitting alone in his room, listening to classical music, while his father was yelling his name through the door. His chest was feeling tight.

He hates being here. He was scold almost every day for liking street music and not classic. He didn't hated it but he wanted to sing with the rest of his team outside the streets. Sing with his singing buddy akito.

Why was his family falling apart? Was it all because of him?! Probably yes. Like always. He made everyone worry when he was in a bad mood. They always tried their best to cheer him up and hated it.

Cause when they were down he didn't know what to do exactly. He still tried his best but not all the time his ideas would work. Why though? He was trying his best like everyone else but still.

He still couldn't come up with an idea like them. They were always.. mid. Boring, common. But his friends, they had a special talent or something.

He suddenly felt his phone moving. Akito was calling him. He got up the chair from his desk and went towards the windows. He answered the phone call with a bit of anxiety. What if akito heard toyas father that was yelling.

Well now it was too late. Akito was already speaking.



"How are ya? I send you messages but you seemed to avoid them. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah.. only- actually yes. It was the homework that was overwhelming."

"Oh well.. you should take a break man.. anyways, wanna come over?"

"Ah...sorry i cant. My dad doesn't let me.."

"Can i sneak in? Like last time?"

"If you dont mind. But make sure you bring your own stuff this time, cause i dont wanna get i trouble again from my messy clothes!"

"Yes, yes... Jeez. I will"

"Okay.. thanks"

"See you then?"

"Mhm.. eh.. please dont be late."

"I wont.. dont worry about it"


Why was toya worried anyways? He just wanted someone to come get him out of here. He didn't want to think his father anymore. He was tired. Too tired.

Not ten minutes later akito knocked at the glass of the window letting a small smile to appear on his face. Toya smiled back. He opened the door giving his best smile to him.

But immediately after that akito made a weird face. He was hearing his dad.

"Sorry.. its too confusing"

"Do... Do you want to talk about it.. or?"

"Can you stay here the night?"

"Sure.. if your parents dont mind"

"They will.. so please stay with me. I need someone. And that someone is you."

"Y-you mean.."

"Im gonna wash my teeth. You can wear your clothes or whatever. Im too exhausted from the whole day. After that i will tell you about this situation okay?"

"Mhm.. now go! I cant wait for ever!"

Toya left the room and made his way towards the bathroom. He closed the door for obvious reasons but akito wanted to prank him so he slowly sneaked in. What he saw left him speechless.

Toya had cuts all over his hands that were now exposed since he didn't want to make wet his clothes.

Once toya noticed him his eyes became teary but not until akito slapped him. Hard. Very, very hard. He could feel so much pain. But why did akito did that?

Suddenly he felt something soft and warm to wrap around him. It was akito, he was hugging him. Tight. Very tight. He couldn't make out clear what was happening. But he sure knew that his heart ached.

Akito was crying. Not a lot. Just some tears that he tried to hold back in. Toya didn't know what to do. He felt guilty as hell. Suddenly he heard akito whispering.

"You idiot.. i cant live without you dammit! Dont do this again! If you die, i will come with you! Cause i fucking love you..!"

Akitos tears became more aggressive. Toya then understood. He hugged him back. Tightly too. He wanted to be saved by akito. He knew that if he stayed with akito nothing would go wrong. And even if it did, they would find out a solution together.

Cause akito loved him. And toya did too. But none of them knew about the other. So they just hoped that one day, one of them would conference and later make their own relationship.

But for now they could hug for as long as they needed too. Toyas father never knew about it.

Words: 770

I hope you enjoyed!

Im so so sos osososososa sorey that i dont post.



Tomorrow i will try to either update the ruikasa or... Idk

Thanks for understanding tho

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