#A new melody pt3#

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Tw: smut

Toya breathed heavily looking at the crowd, trying to spot Akito. Once he did. He started playing the song "fairytail". His fingers were attached to the strings of the violin.

Sweat was dripping down from his face. His heartbeat going faster with every note he hit right. He felt a wa feeling entering his body. He felt happy. Really happy.


Akito was amazed by Toyas violin skills. He wanted to hear more. He felt his chicks to get hotter as the song went by. But eventually the song came to an end leaving Akito speechless.


Toya bowed down thanking the audience. He then sat to the crowd with some other musicians that had already performed. Now the only thing he had to wait for were the results.


Akito quickly rushed outside of the building, leaving the rest of his friends questionable. He wanted to give toya something. Something that will give Toya the same warmth he felt during his play.

That's why he entered a flower shop. He bought a bouquet filled with white Roses.

He then went back to the room sitting to his place before hearing chuckles coming from the girls. Oh god he had to be teased like this for the rest of the show until it came to the results.


"In the 14 place... is Toya Aoyagi!"

Toya couldn't believe it. All his hard work was paid off. He ran to the other man to take his price. He then thanked everybody again.

Tears of joy were formed to his eyes. He was so happy, that words can't explain.


Akito and the rest went out of the building, waiting for Toya to congratulate him.

Akito though knew that Toya would get out of the backstage door. He then excused him self and went to find toya.

And of course...everybody followed.


Akito saw Toya leaving the building, holding to his hands his violin.

He then quickly run to him with his hands open to give him a big hug. He dropped his stuff on the ground just like Toya. He didnt care if the violin broke.

Their hug was tight with tears of joy running down from both of them. Until Toya pulled out to see Akito. But their eye contact didn't last for long.

Akito pulled Toya to a kiss. A kiss that their tongues fought each other for more.

They only broke the kiss when the air was needed. The tears were becoming more until Akito heard clapping.

He then turned his head to see Ena with Mizuki being hugged with tears on their faces cheering up for them. Like anybody else over there.

Even Kanade with mafuyu.


After all the drama, they went to eat out. Most of them oreder ramen. Something common so they can celebrate all together.

Later gifts were given to Toya. Pictures and videos were recorded and lastly they played many games from the arcade that was near the hotel.


Once they entered the hotel everybody got separated except Akito and Toya that were staying at the same room.

Once they entered their room they were welcomed by Toyas father that looked chill, despite all the things tha had happened.

He then approached Toya giving him a hug and apologizing. But Akito knew that the trauma that had been caused to Toya would never be fixed.

But that didn't matter right now. They were all happy.


Later they were both making out to one of the single beds. Toya on top of Akito.

Their kisses were soft their tongues messing around with each other without any aggression. Drool was dripping down to the sheets.

Akito was in heat. He pushed Toya down. Making his hands all the way to Toyas pants. He placed his hands inside Toyas underwear making the other whine.

He then began jerking Toya, to satisfy himself by hearing moans escaped the other. Toya grabbed Akitos other hand and placed it on his mouth. Before Akito noticing his fingers were being sucked by Toya.

He couldn't hold himself back. He stripped himself and Toya leaving only his earings and Toyas necklace on.


Their breathing was matched. Akito couldn't hold anymore. He came inside Toya, before making a signal to Toya fo find his realise too.

Both of them were filled with the feeling of euphoria. Toya couldn't bear it but laugh at the situation.

They took s quick shower, cleaned up the mess and after all that they laid down to the other bed.

They slept peacefully, feeling happy but little did they knew.. Toyas father had heard the whole thing...since he was sleeping to the room beside them.

How would he tell this to his son?


The next day their woke up ready for the roadtrip. This time Toya was inside Akitos car.. thank g0d they were both so tired from yesterday that Akito didnt get dizzy.

They had a peaceful trip. Their next goal was to stay together, like this forever. If they were all together...anything was possible for them.

Yaya..its finished!
Words:850 I hope you liked it!

I hope my next one is bigger bcs these ones were a bot small.

Btw did y'all saw the new Toya card 😭😭

Btw did y'all saw the new Toya card 😭😭

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Anyways thanks for the votes!

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