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Tw: kinda smut but without smut...? And tickling

Akito was sitting at Toyas bed while the actual owner of the bed was taking a shower.

Once Toya got out of the shower he sat beside Akito.

"Why are you looking me like that?"


"Oh come on toya. Ask it"


"Don't play games with me!"

"Fufu and what if i did?"

"Then im going to-"

Akito got on top of toya placing his hands on toyas tummy. He then started moving his fingers around that caused the other one to laugh unstopped.

"A-akito! My d-dad is going to hear.. ahahhahaha!!"

"Then tell me!"



Akito stopped tickling toya staying at the same position as he was before.


"Will you..ndjfmdm"

"I cant hear you Toya!"

"Can you kiss me...?"

"See! It was that simple!"


"Why did you get pissed?"

"Im not pissed!"

"You sure?"


"Come here.."

Akito leaned forward. His lips met Toyas. The blue haired boy placed his hands around akitos lips.


"Want to continue?"

"If my dad wasn't here.."

"Just be silent"

"You know i cant.."

"And i  don't care.."

"My dad will kick you out"


Toya placed his lege around Akitos waste.

Akito leaned in for another kiss until they heard the door opening.

It was Toyas dad.

Toya pushed Akito of him looking at his dad with embarrassment. His cheeks were red. It was the worst way to come out.

"Toya what is this?!"

"Im sorry.."

"Why didn't you tell me?! How many secrets will you keep hiding from me?"

"I was scared.."

"For what?!"

"Not... Not accepting me, like with street music.."

"This is a different thing"

"..im sorry... For not telling you"

"Come here"


"Just come"

Toya got out of his bed. He gave quick look over at Akito making sure he is okay.

After he approached his father.

He was left speechless by the move that his father made. He was being hugged.

His father hugged him and accepted him for being gay?

He didn't know why or when the tears started falling down. He started crying unstoppable.

Akito just stood there smiling at his boyfriend. He was feeling happy that the person that he loved most was accepted.


Now Toya and Akito were sitting at the dinning table eating some cookies that Toyas mom baked for them.

Well actually they were made mostly for akito to welcome the new member to the family.

"Now that we have calm down.. mind if you tell me what were you doing with my son before young man?"

"Eh..we were j-"


"Let him answer toya!"

"We were just.. "

Everybody was staring at him.

"Em.. i was just kissing...him"

"You are sure that it was only kissing?"


"Have you ever done it?"




"This is private!"

"You are my son. I need to know!"

"It doesn't make sence!"

"Toya. Its okay.. i dont mind..oke?"


"Now answer young man"

"Well.. yes we do.."

"You're not an adult yet! Do your parents know about this!?"

"Why would they?"

"I will inform them then.."

"Please dont!"



Akito was laying down beside Toya to his bed this time. They were both looking at each other.

Toya placed his nose on Akitos chest, snuggling with the smell of him.

Suddenly the door opening reveling both of their dads.

Oh..they were in a big big! Trouble.. especially Akito.

"So Aoyagi told me that you had sex with Toya is that true?!"

"Oh.. my! Dad please get out!"


"Yes we did now what?"

"You need to learn tha-"

"Dad! Mom had me and Ena one year apart, meaning that you had sex with her when she was just a Baby! Ena was a freaking baby and later i was born then you are telling me about biology and shits?!"


"Ugh whatever..what do you want?!"

"Do you at least use condoms?"

"Dad! That's none of your business!"

"Its mine thought... I hope you dont rape my son.. or else!"

"Of course not!"


"Can we go sleep now?"

"Yes.. good night.. dont do anything weird!"

"Yeah yeah..."




Tysm for 15k views!!

Ik this sucks but i had a fight with my parents.

Anyways, my mom told me today that is should go to a therapist and i was like-

Nononononono. No.

I aint going to them. They are crazy and i already have trauma with them. I dont need more.

I also posted a new story for everybody that might be interested!

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