♧/♡What is going on?!♡/♧

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Tw: Ruikasa, Ruinene, and a bit of smut.

It was a normal afternoon. The sunset was beautiful like every time. Today though akito and toya would go out for a date. They've been together for a long time.

They planned to go watch a movie, order some food and maybe finish the night at Akitos place, since Toya wasn't allowed to stay alone yet. Even though he was an adult.

At the very least his family accepted him and Akito. He was feeling lucky whenever he thought about it.


Everything went as planned. Akito picked up toya from his house. Bit this time his father needed to have a little chat with him.

So he say had to get out of his comfortable car and get out in the cold. Well.. Akito was acting all dramatic. It wasn't very cold.

He rang the bell. Not a second later the door was opened by Toyas mother that welcomed him in.

He sat down the couch until he saw toya running towards him. He sat beside him but before akito could progress what was happening he received a small kiss in his lips by toya.

He felt his face to get hotter. But it wasn't by the affection that he was given but instead that it was done in front of his parents. How was toya that chill?!

His father approached the boys, he sat on the other couch to face them. Akitos heart was racing so fast.

Did he found out about secret date?

Did he heard us when he sneaked in?

Did they wanted to move?

Did they hate him?

Many questions were running around his head.


In the end Toyas dad just wanted to make sure toya was getting the right treatment. Akito had almost a heart attack.

Well now he was free to do whatever he almost wanted with toya. He hoped inside the car with toya. They put their sit belts on but before starting the car, akito leaned towards the other boy.

Their lips met again, but this time the kiss lasted longer. After they pulled back akito started the car and left the house. They thought that it was going to be a normal day, but little did they know that..

An, Ena, Mizuki, Kohane, Rui, Nene and Tsukasa were in the back sits. The boys and nene were sitting on the bootlid while the rest were under the back sits.

It was uncomfortable but worth it. They had to take the most embarrassing moments in photos and videos to win a bet that they had made.

And they would literally do anything to win.


They had finally arrived at the 'movies'. Well they weren't really heading to a cinema. Instead they 'booked' a place that they could watch the movie from their car. Other were there too, so that meant it had popcorn.

Akito went out to get some. But sadly neither of the people in front or on the back could have some. The smell was so good and annoying at the same time.

Not many minutes later the movie had started and the couple were enjoying it so far. Suddenly the movie had a romantic moment between the two main characters.

Thats when akito made his move and placed his hand on top of Toyas lap. His cheeks weren't affected at all this time. But instead the Ena and An were going crazy and probably took over 50 photos of them for just this position.

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