♡Just chillin♡

690 15 2

Tw: making out.?

Both of the boys were cuddling on the top of the couch that the living room had at the Shinonome house.

Akito had snuggled his nose on too of Toyas chest while he was sleeping. Akuto was watching some tv until Ena appeared.

She sat beside Akito after closing the tv. Akutonslowly raised his head just enough so he could see Ena.

"What do you want?"

"In two hours we will be leaving to go out to eat for dads business.  You can tell Toya to come over for you, you..  know... or just you tell him to.. leave?"

"Yeah.. yeah ok... should we wear anything special?"

"Dunno, anyways I'm off. An is coming with me so good luck,~"

"Ohhh..my ugh!"

Ena then just went to her room to get ready. She would probably take a good amount of minutes just to find what to wear.

On the other hand, akito just sunk deeper into toya. His smell was everything he needed now. He slowly pressed his rough lips on top of his soft ones.

In response, toyas lips formed a smile before pressing against akitos. After they pulled back akito quickly got up and rushed to the kitchen.

When he got back he was holding a bag chips. He sat beside toya again after opening the bag. He placed it between them before having the chance to speak.

"Nee.. toya"


"Wanna watch.. a movie?.. at my room?"


Toya innocently got up from the couch before getting pushed by the other back down. Akito this time picked him up in bridal style while toya carried the bag of potato chips with him.

Food was a very important part when watching a movie or at least something on a screen for over ten minutes.

Akito carried him upstairs until he found his room. He pushed the door with his one leg before entering and closed it with his other.

He then just placed toya softly into the bed. He made sure the door was closed before jumping into the bed. Toya was already eating the chips.

Suddenly akito grabbed the bag and placed it in his desk. He then just got on top of toya making sure to keep eye contact with him. Toya just smiled.

A bit evil but akito didn't really care. He softly placed his lips on top of his while one of his hands were traveling with his fingers through toyas fluffy hair.

Toya did the same but only with a small change of pushing akito downer until their chests met.

But that exactly moment ena had to enter the room, without nocking or asking and just stared at them for a good amount of seconds.



"I AM"





Ena shut the door close before akito got back to toya.

Surprising toya looked unfazed by the whole situation. Not minding their loud voices or the sudden argument. He actually wished that he and his siblings had a relationship like this.

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