#Excuse meh?!#

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Tw: making out

Toya had just arrived at his room, he had moved to America since the collage he wanted to join was there.

He was ready to meet his roommate. Once he opened the door he saw only one bed, he looked around confused.

Suddenly he heard a boy calling him. "Are you Toya?"

"Yes... we must be roommates but eh.. why do we have one bed"


"Okay.. em by the way.. I know it's kinda sudden but do you speak Japanese?"

"Nope! I only know words from anime, my mother is japanese though.. but I never studied them cuz I was too lazy"

"Oh okay.. what about your dad then?"

"He is greek. And I learned greek from him. They were way easier than Japanese but way harder than English. Kinda between."

"That's interesting..! Mind if you say something in Greek?"

"Yeah.. eh.. γειά.. πεινάω τώρα και θέλω πολύ να φάω μακαρόνια"

"Wow! What did you just say?"

"Hi, I'm hungry and I want to eat spaghetti."

"The pronunciation is kinda similar to the japanese."

"Yeah especially hiragana and katakana"

"Well.. that's what I meant"

"Whatever.. I'm Akito Shinonome and I'm glad to meet you..? Meet me? Ugh whatever I gave up on English too."

"Why? You sound very fluent. And I'm Toya aoyagi I'm happy to meet you too"

"It felt boring... anyways. How did you understand that I'm half Japanese?"

"Well, your clothes.. your body shape and the way your stuff is packed"

"Bro you saw everything in such little time?!"


"Ima go buy some food from the canteen. You want anything?"

"If you dont mind I will take a slice of pizza, here is the money"

"Nuh it's on me today. Better make it up next time!"

Before Toya had a chance to open his mouth, the orange haired boy had already left.

That left Toya and his packed stuff. He had a lot of work to do..


After alt of struggling Toya was able to clean every inch of the bathroom. He had already unpacked his stuff.

Akito hadn't showed up though. Tlya was getting really hungry but he didnt really dare to get out.

He decided to check his phone for any messages from his family. His brother had texted him.

He continued texting to random people until akitp cam back. His face was full of sweat, cheeks red and clothes half ripped.

"Are you good?!"

"Yeah.. dont.. dont worry. I'm sorry that I didnt came earlier"

"No.. it's okay. You are sure you are good cause.. you dont seem ok"

"Yeah.. I just bumped into some weirdos. "

"What did they do to you?"

"They just.. em nothing. Forget about it"

"What did they say?"

"Forget it. I cant translate it either. They were Greek."

"Ah.. okay. Sorry"

"Dont worry, now shall we eat?"


They both sat down the table that the room had. They ate their lunch even thought it was past 3 p.m.. well they didn't really care.

After their food they chatted a bit more before Toya went outside to meet his brother again, that was staying at LA.

He was a famous musician. But sadly Toya didnt  follow the same path as his brothers.

He loved music, but his parents wanted him to love only classical. But he lover street music.


It didn't take long for them to come closer. Every day, every hour and second would pass in no time if they were together.

That wasn't exactly always good though. Cause once Akito and Toya had to write an essay together but they accidentally forgot about it.

Most of the days passed peacefully, both of them understood each other very well.

But one time Akito fought with Toya.

"Why didn't you tell me they were calling you gay?!"

"Because I am gay toya! I'm fucking gay!"

"But you could-"

"Nuh toya. I dont care about them."


"I'm gay. Got it?"

"Well I dont care!"

"You should!"

"I wont!"

"Ugh gay"

"You are"

"Yeah.. I know!"


They started pushing each other until Toya  pushed hard akito, with a result to lay into the bed. Toya got on top of his and continued yelling.

"I dont care dammit!"

"Why dont you? Are you gay?"


"Are you gay?!"


His words were cut off by Akitos soft lips. He pulled back immediately and looked at the younger boy.

"I told you I am"

"But I'm not"

"You really think so?.. I read your diary"

"This is personal information!"

"Dont care. You left it open"


He was cut off by another kiss. This time he didnt pull back. They continued making out.

Akito pushed Toya on the other side, so he can top him. They didnt break the kiss.

Akito was getting downer until he reached Toyas pants.

"Hey isn't this against the school rules?"

"Do you really care?"

"Y-yeah! Of course"



"Hah.. how do you japanese people say it...

Ah yes! いただきます"

"ん はい"


Words: 830

I hope you enjoyed.

Tysm for 100 votes Ekkk

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