♡A walk beside you♡

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3rd person Pov:

It was a cold winter afternoon, Akito was getting ready to get out. He was wearing two shirts, a thick jacket and now a long red scarf around his neck that covered his ears and mouth.

He was ready to face the cold he thought to himself. But, once he opened the door he was welcomed with a cold bazz entering the room. The air went through his clothes making him trumble. Well he didnt have time now to complain, he had promised Toya to take him to the arcade, as a thanks for helping him out with his homework.

Once he went outside his body froze up. Feeling like he was going to become an ice cube or something like that. He let out a sigh. He continued his way to Toya's house.


Not many minutes after he found himself standing outside Toya's house. He rang the bell, but sadly miss luck wasn't with his side today.

Behind the door instead of Toya was Toya's father. -Oh shit- "E-eh hello mr. Aoyagi, is Toya here?" It wasn't like he haven't met him before, but now of all times?! Without Toya to tell him how to act?!?

His thought were quickly cut off by hearing Footsteps running towards the door. "Oh, Shinonome..." his face expressions went from happy to a disappointment one. "What do you want from my son now?" He looked at the younger boy that was now fidgeting his fingers trying to be as polite as possible.

"I-I have promised him to take him to the arcade today...C-cause he helped me with my homework". He looked down from embarrassment. "Akito!" He heard lifting his head up to see the blue haired boy putting his shoes on.

"Dad, Akito had promised me to go out to the arcade today, I will be back before midnight.." he said in a serious but also happy tone. He quickly got out of the house waving his father while making himself comfortable to the cold.

While that, Toya's father grabbed Akito whispering him something that made him shiver. "If he gets hurt or a cold you are going to be dead. Be careful" he then nodded before making his way to the other boy. It's not like we are dating he thought.


They were both walking down the vivid street, looking through different shops and restaurants. As they were walking Akito cut up an interesting cafe at Toya's eyes. "Would you like to visit before going to the arcade?" The blue haired boy looked at him confused. "Hm?" He questioned.

"Oh..come on Toya! The cafe. Would you like something to drink? It is on me dont worry". Instead of an answer the orange haired boy earned a chuckle from Toya. "I got it, I got it...and yes I would like some black coffee,...but you sure you can afford it?"

"If I couldn't afford it I wouldn't suggest it, plus...do I look that poor?!" He said looking at the taller boy that was making his way to the cafe. "Of course not..now anyways will you buy me coffee or what?" He said laughing.

Both of them entered the cafe.


Toya walked beside Akito making their shoulders touch even if they were wearing hundreds of layers of clothes. Akito went to the cashier and ordered. Not 5 minutes later. Toya's eyes followed Akito's hands that were giving the cash to the man and in return he got their coffees. Akito walked back to Toya making their way out the cafe.


"Why were you staring at me like that? Do I look weird?" Akito said while giving the other male his coffee. "Aa-a sorry..I didn't mean to" his smile faded away. "Hey! Why are you getting sad out of nowhere, I was just curious you did nothing wrong!" He then remembered the words that he was told by Toya's father. He swallowed hard.

"I'm not sad..and thank for the coffee.." he had a light blush on his cheeks that he hid with his scarf. "No problem.. should we head to the arcade?" He earned a nod from the older one.


The arcade was almost empty. Only people that dared to face the cold weather were out. Him and Toya were walking very close. Their fingers brushing one another. Until...

Toya held Akito's small finger with his. And then they continued, until they were holding hands. Both of them embarrassed but also pleased. They were making each other warm just enough so didnt need another shirt or so.

Once they reached a bench they sat close again not letting their fingers to separate. Toya drank his coffee while Akito was admiring everything about Toya.

How beautiful he is, his lips, those gray eyes that he could see him self being lost in them and his chin, his warm hands and-

"Akito you good?" He realized that was staring at Toya the whole time. -oops- "yeah..yeah. I'm fine sorry..I spaced out...Anyways wanna go check out that show?" Silence filled the conversation.

"You mean there that Tsukasa works? He has a show today and I dont mind since you are going to be with me its going to be better!" -shit he forgot that tsukasa and the other weirdos were working here- "a-a yeah anything to make you happy!" Silence again...

Toya's face was red like a tomato. "Did that sound weird..I'm sorry" "No, no never mind me, let's go! The show will start soon!"


After Akito had to suffer for a good 2 hours watching Tsukasa do whatever he wanted at the stage with his friends, finally he and Toya were alone again. Making their way to Toya's house. Time passed very quickly.

"I really enjoyed today..we should do this more often, like before we formed VBS" Toya let out a smile. "Yeah..you are right.."


"Thanks again Akito, call me when you get home!" "Of course," he waved back to toya until his body acted on its own. He got closer to Toya that was now closing the door. "Akito?" His face was pink.

Akito got closer leaving a sweet kiss on Toya's cheek making both males to blush hard. "Goodnight..see ya!" "Mhm" Toya nodded.


Once Akito arrived home he started yelling out of embarrassed to his pillow thinking that Toya's dad was watching the whole thing, he quickly after fall asleep, -of course after calling Toya- dreaming pancakes.

On the other hand.

Toya was looking through his phone with pics of Akito and him making him remember how lucky he was to have someone like akito to be beside him. He feel asleep some minutes later dreaming about Today's afternoon.

I did it!! This one is a bit bigger but still not enough. Words:1135 I hope you enjoyed! Btw tysm for the views on my first chapter, it made my day! - I'm posting this at 1a.m. dont mind me-

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