♧Twitch chat♧

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Tw:making out

Another day, another stream. Toya sat at his blue chair before opening his computer. He had brought up with him some chips, a couple of sodas and of course a 'normal' dinner.

The fact that he was a streamer didn't mean that he couldn't eat properly. He had to warm up his vocals before going live. So thats what he exactly did, after eating dinner.

While he ate, his other hand was on top of his computer mouse. He was editing one of his previous videos. He was working hard every day. And that was still not enough.

He was going to college, studying medical education. Most people thought that he was forced to study medical by his parents. But this time they were wrong.

Toya dreamed to became a vet. He really loved animals. And if he could help them in any way and get paid for doing it was the perfect job for him.

He was streaming almost every day to save enough money for the day that he graduate. After he leaves he will open his own small building. His life would be way easier then.

Well. Thats what he hopes for. Because all these nights without getting any sleep were going to be full of waste.


As for akito. A normal employee at Walmart he had nothing to do at night. So he usually just watched YouTube videos or streamers with his favourites games.

Until one day he found out about a streamer that usually was talking about music. He had a similar guitar with akito.

He continued doing research about him until he just got obsessed with him. Bow every friday night he would say up until 4 am to watch Toyas streams.

On Fridays he usually played diffrent games that people suggested him while the rest of the week was full of music.

Akitos dream was actually becoming a guitarist in a band or something.  He never really had the perfect voice to much the melody of his guitar.

But when it came to toya. Toya was perfect.. at least in the eyes of Akito. His soft voice. His thin fingers, his lips and way more.

And that's when it hit Akito. Since he was single, and had nothing to do he decided to write a song for Toya. It wasn't his first time that he had uploaded a video.

He wrote song only when he was feeling sad or too happy. His songs weren't viral but they still got a little attention, making Akito being proud of himself.


Paper, pens and a whole bracket of chips and soras wheels on top of Akitos desk. He was watching Toyas stream, claiming down and getting some ideas for his lyrics and melody.

After a good while he was finally making progress.  His hands were cut on fire with the paper. Until he heard something that came out of Toyas mouth that left him speechless.

Toya was in a relationship with a girl named mafuyu. Well of course he would have as a partner a very pretty girl, with the best grades and personality.

It was Toya. Not him.

But he kinda wished that he was at the girl's place. He wanted to meet Toya so bad.

He wanted to show his feeling towards him. His feeling about the passion for the music that theh shared. He really loved him, but he could never admit in it in front of his face.

Not even his sister was making him say what's wrong.


"That's it for tonight chat. See you tomorrow at the same time. We will warm up vocals. But for now..  does anyone have any other question about me?"

~Akitoya one shots~Where stories live. Discover now