♡Looks like sb is in loveee♡

769 13 36

Tw: making out and kaimei

Toya was sitting alone at Meikos cafe. He was drinking his casual coffee. Everything was normal, len and Rin fought with each other, kaito was making weird combinations with drinks.

And last but not least miku and luka were playing 'uno'. The loser had to wear a banana suit forma whole week. This match should be interesting.  For now Luka was winning.

It was a nice warm autumn afternoon. These days the weather would usually be cold but today the temperature was pretty 'hot' for an autumn afternoon.

Toya continued drinking his coffee, until meiko sat beside him. She was holding with her hands a dark blue mag that it looked like it had dark chocolate inside.

"So Toya.. how have you been? I haven't talked to you for a while without your friends around or Len and Rin being around your head."

"Yeah... it has been a long time. But they didn't really bother me at all. I really enjoyed and appreciate their company."

"I'm glad.. "

There was a pause between her sentence as she sipped the liquid out of her mag. She then just placed it back again on the wooden table, before opening her mouth to speak again.

"So.. you lately space out a lot you know.."

"Ah.. I'm sorry. I dont mean to.."

"No, no it's fine.. but I wanted to ask if you are in... love"


"Oh.. come on. Tell me please.  I swear I will keep it a secret."

"Em.. I do like someone I think"

"And the name?"

"Its..its Akito."

"Akito.. Shinonome?"


"Well.. good job! Have your Hope's up."

"Why is that. He will find me disgusting for liking men. I'm..  scared. I don't want to tell him anything."

"Dont thing negatively.  I bet that Akito wont leave you because you like men. Let me give you a small example"


"So me and kaito are dating for years now . But we never really pointed out to others. Cause when other ask kaitos sexuality his answer is more valuable than mine. And then people start shipping him with gakupo, len and even VY2! And you know I got tired"

"Oh.. sorry that this keeps happening to you.."

"Dont worry about it.. do you have a similar experience?"

"Well it's not exactly..."

"Tell me. I wanna hear your story. I want to know more about you Toya,  since you rarely talk"

"Ah.. okay then. So it keeps happening all over again. Usually girls will go up to Akito to ask for his phone number after a show. Akito mostly rejects them saying that he is interested somewhere else in the moment.  And then the girls would make heart shapes with their fingers pinted me and him. Its  ot always bad but I don't know If he likes the idea.."

"Toya... you need to stop overthinking everything.  I'm sure that if Akito had a problem that he would talk to you or the girls"

"Okay.. "

"Oh look..! He is here. Ima leave you some time alone okay? If you need anything u will be in the back"

"Thank you meiko san"

"No worries."

Akito walked Inside the small cafe. He sat beside Toya.

"Hi there Akito, what would you like?"

"My usual please."

"Got it"

"So.. Toya"


"I.. eh..I kinda fucked up... a bit..."

"What did you do.."

"Can you come outside a bit.. I don't want to tell you here. They will hear me.. "

"Anything you want.."

Toya got up from his seat. Akito did the same before making his way to the door. Once they reached the walls that they hadn't painted graffiti yet Akito confessed everything.

"So I was in a call with you...if you dknt remember and I heard about me in your conversation with meiko"

"Ah..! I totally forgot about it. I'm sorry abou the stuff that you heard."

"No its done because.."

Akito pressed his lips against Toyas. Toya didn't hesitate instead he kissed him back.

He placed his hands around akito neck while the orange haired boy licked his lips

"Bro.. do they know that we can see them?"

"Probably no. Len you're stupid."

"Shut it rin!"

"Guys..calm down. No need to destroy my cafe"

"Yes meiko.."

"Eh... meiko"

"Oh my.. what did you do again kaito?"

"I accidentally called an and Kohane and now they are coming here.."

"Shit.. we need to make those two stop kissing. If an fund out this cafe is going to get burned."



I hoped that you enjoyed.

Tysm for 345 votes!

This one kinda sucks. Its literary almsot 3am. Here... AHHHH

Anyways. I wanted to ask something .

So this goes to people that have a younger sibling/ being the oldest one.

So have you ever notice that your parents are less strick on the second one?

Like my parent let my sister be on her tablet for hours and wont say anything .

But if I am too much, the whole house will burn with the freaking argument .


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