♡Weekend Garage♡

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Tw: Anhane. And dizzyness?

It was a cloudy day, when the Vivid bad SQUAD decided to meet up at the Weekend Garage to talk about their events.

They had already ordered their drinks before getting into the point. The first 20 minutes past pretty quickly. Until some costumers started running inside the cafe.

It looked like it was going to rain. Luckily all of them were already cosy and warm from before so they didn't bother.

Some minutes passed until Kohane started feeling dizzy. An placed her hand on top of Kohanes forehead.

"Kohane! You have a fever? Do you feel good?!"

"N-no.. can we go use the bathr-"

Kohane placed her hands on her mouth before running into the bathroom. An went after her leaving the two boys alone.

Was Kohane okay?

Probably yes.

It might be just a cold.

Or her stomach was too weak.

Who knew?

Not five seconds later An ran back to the boys.

"Nee.. Akito, Toya.. Kohane is feeling a bit sick right now so i suggest to cancel the meeting. I will stay with her in the bathroom and kater move her up to my dads office that i have a bed to lay her down"

"Why do you have a bed on Ken's office?"

"Well sometimes i get tired too duhh!"

"Yeah.. do whatever you anyways.."

"Shirashi do you need any help with Kohane? I can help you carry her around"

"Yes please. I think she will be good now. Come i will show you the way!"

"I know where the girls bathroom is.."



Toya entered the bathroom just to see Kohane sitting on a chair that An brought her.

Her face was looking way too different than before. Her skin was pale and her eyes were tired.

"Hey kohane.. mind if i pick you up to transfer you upstairs?"

"Yes please.."

Toya pikced up Kohane in bridal style and transfered her into tue bed An told him to.

Kohane rested her head in a pillow before thanking Toya for his help. He then just left the two girls alone.

He really loved their relationship.


After Toya arrived back to Akito, he looked confused at the sight. Akito was sitting with his hands on top of his cup while his face expression was feeling off.

Was Akito jealous that Toya had to carry Kohane?

They were just friends thought.

And Akito didn't have a particular reason to be mad. They weren't dating..

Or thats both of them thought.

"Whats wrong Aki?"

Toya said while he sat beside him.

"Ah.. nothing. Dont worry about it"

"You sure?"



"How is Kohane? Did you manage to carry her safely upstairs?"

Oh so he is jealous.. or he likes.. kohane..?

"She is fine. You can go check on her if you want."

"Nuh.. its okay i trust you.."

Oh so he is jealous..

"Anyways.. want to leave? I have an umbrella with me"

"You want to leave?! I thought we might spent a bit time alone like before..."

"No, no i want to stay here with you.. i just thought you are mad at me for helping kohane"

Oops that sliped out of his mouth


"Oh- im sorry I didn't mean to say that.."

"Its fine.. just.. Ugh. Lets restart."



Not many minutes later both of them were looking outside the big window. It was raining cats and dogs outside.

But somethimg was making them both come closer to each other. Everytime slowly .

Until their shoulders touched. Non of them dared to look at each other.

Toya slowly placed his hand down near Akitos . Akito later moved his closer and closer until both of their Intex fingers touched.

At first Toya hesitated to grab Akitos hand but it didn't take a lomg time for his mind to change.

Now their hands were together were together and their shoulders were touching.

Until Akito got his other hand to resch on his coffee. After he placed the cup back down to the table he let go of Toyas hand.

Toyas heart started aching until he felt something warm around him.

Akito pretended that he was stretching, until his arm reached Toyas other shoulder. Blush was crossed on both of their faces.

Toya smiled at the action and decided to repay it back. He placed his head on top of Akitos hand. He let a gentle sigh to escape before closing his eyes to enjoy the moment.

But it was thankful not finished there. Akito placed his other hand on top of Toyas tummy.

He then laid on top of Toyas shoulder. He closed his eyes too. Both of them were too comfortable to move even when Ken came there to check on them, they pretended to be asleep.

Until Toya had to change position because his neck was hurting him. Both of the boys looked each others eyes.

Until they were stopped by An and Kohane.

"Kohane is feeling fineee!!! After 4 hours.."

4 hours?! Hiw did time passed that fast.

"Sorry for causing trouble.."

"Dont worry Azusawa. Now we should go home. We dont want to get wet right?"

"Yeah right since the rain stopped for now.."



Im sorry i was planning to make angst but i made pancakes for my whole family today for dinner and took over 3 hours since it was the first time XD

Be jealous Akito

Also my sister is being a bitch. Too much of a bicth for her age. She always has to have the last word in a fight with me.

And i cant do anything because 'she will learn'


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